guess he's trying way too hard to be funny. hate him.
Anyway, two down, three to go.
Today's paper was manageable as well.
well, considerably manageable considering I didn't bother to study at all for this module.
Interesting event of the day:
Went to clementi for lunch after my paper. Saw something that made me realize a few things today,
I realized that:
1. Some girls can really eat a lot. Two mos burger burgers? And asking to share a third burger? From a girl? who has a good figure? damn, life is unfair. I grow fat if I so much as look at a burger.
2. Miss Singapore is from my faculty and my year. And I had totally no idea. And I saw her while I was having lunch, seems she just had the same paper as me? I didn't even know it was her, until someone told me. She looks okay in real person I guess, too leggy though, but that might be due to the fact that she was wearing those really short shorts. And I realized she knew my classmate.
3. I should not talk about others behind their back. We were discussing Miss Singapore, when she showed up at the coffee shop we were in.
4. Good-looking people are rarely brainy, heard her CAP average was 2++. That probably affected her taste is man as well, since I heard her boyfriend isn't that good looking.
5. My friend is totally shameless. Referring to realization 4. I made a hypothesis that good looking people usually end up with the not so good looking people to maintain a certain balance in nature. Hearing this he said:
"sigh, no wonder all my ex are so pretty." followed with:
"no wonder all of them couldn't last."
6. I'm either ugly or unusual, With reference to hypothesis mentioned in realization 5. I'm guessing unusual. Since I can't possibly be ugly.
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