19 October 2004


Was at dhouby Ghaut tonight.
A lady came up to me and said,
"Excuse me, are u modelling?"
Then she went on to ask me whether i was interested in modeling.

It ended with me giving my number.

It felt good.

Wonder if she'll actually call?
haha, maybe from far she thought i was good looking, but upon close inspection...
maybe she just got my number to be polite, since she has already asked.
I certainly hope not, but the doubt is there.
That is how insecure and paranoid i am.

BUT then at the very least, i know i look good from a distance.

12 October 2004

Idol Idiocy

Isn't it amazing how the words idol and idiot sound so much alike? I think I have finally stumbled upon the reason. Anyone who has had the chance to catch last week's Singapore Idiots would understand what i'm talking about. There is no doubt that Singapore Idol is a complete farce, and only serves to increase the coffers of the telcos in Singapore.

I know that i'm being bitter since the only contestant that is representing NUS is now out of the competition and no, i'm not in the school/class wager for SI. I'm just amazed at how one bad performance can result in the booting out of a talented individual. Are Singaporeans really so unforgiving?

The moment someone who has been performing great suddenly does badly, Singaporeans will condemn the person. Whereas for those sub-par performers, well, let's just say that the only direction they can go is up.

I know that an idol need not be the most talented one, ( just look at American Idol), you need to be able to strike a chord with the audience and be utterly likeable and have at least a little talent. OR you have lots of friends, OR overwhelmingly supportive parents.

Wonder what this says about David?

8 October 2004


Happiness is when you learn to be contented with what you have.

Happiness is when you realise that the person you love, loves you.

Happiness is when you know that you have a lifetime together.

Happiness is when you know that your friends are there for you.

Happiness is knowing what to be happy about.

Happiness is knowing when you have done your best.

Happiness is not letting the small things get to you.

Happiness is letting small things light up your day.

Happiness is just knowing that just to be alive is a wonderful thing.

1 October 2004


Realise that what i've type in a previous post is terribly misleading.

I was thinking of a friend when i said that.
Love should be mutual, but it might not be.

Note: I was not referring to myself.