26 September 2013

Just When ...

... you think you've moved on, little things come back to remind you that you've barely moved an inch.
... you think things will no longer affect you, you find a little something and you begin to wonder.
... you think you've let go of the past, but the past comes back to haunt you
... you think you're ready for whatever might come, you still hurt when it happens

How long will it take? I wonder.

8 September 2013

I am...

How do you know what your heart really wants?
Sometimes, you think you are moving on, but a simple question asked or an old photo can bring back all the regrets, all the pain, all the dreams that will no longer be dreamt together.
Yet at the same time, you know that you need to move on, to dream new dreams.

I'm afraid, of what I will be without you, I am who I am because of your indulgence, your love and your dreams for us. I'm afraid that I've lost our only chance at happiness due to my stupidity.

Perhaps it will be easier to just watch from the side. Experiencing happiness vicariously. To just imagine what could be.