20 June 2013


Sometimes, you realise the lost only after you lose it...

Blogging at 1am when I should be packing for an 8am flight. Definite sign of being a procrastinator.

16 June 2013

Confessions of sop-a-holic.

There are always times where my mum will surprise me. Before I left the house in the morning, I confirmed that I would be having dinner at home. She immediately asked me what I wanted to eat. Small gesture, but it made my day slightly brighter. And the best thing is that when I said what I wanted, it was something she was already planning to prepare tonight.

Surprisingly chill day today. Hung out with my other "Mommy" at a new cafe in the west. Enjoyed ourselves tremendously and spent time learning new terms! Really looking forward to the trip next weekend. It should be fun.

TV served up Confessions of a Shop-a-holic after dinner. And i watched it. And I realised I'm a big sucker for soppy love stories with happy ending. I wonder if that is why I've always liked big romantic gestures, and in a relationship after a while, things tends towards stagnation.

I always worry if we try again and things don't work out, where will that leave us?
Should we just try?

10 June 2013


6 degrees of separation 

Weekends, something that everyone should logically look forward to.
Something that I planned didn't happen, but I guessed things should not be forced. While disappointed, I'm relieved as well. What if I realized that we have actually diverged so far, there is no way to converge again? 

Maybe it might be better to be parallel to one another, close to each other even if we never touch. At least we will never grow too far apart.

On a less self-pitying note, caught up with a group of crazy people over the weekend! Didn't realize how out of touch I am with them. :( I'm glad they still think of me as a friend.

And I finally realized that being a GXI (even part-time) makes you a more confident and vocal person and much more willing to do crazy things from time to time.

5 June 2013

Random Thoughts

Things happen.
Talking to an old friend reminded me of you. Dreamt of you that night, and I remembered it. Let's just say it involved a ring and better times.

Listening to a song in the gym and when I finally paid attention to the lyrics, it seems to be perfect as our song, only diffence is that we really did those things as opposed to sitting at home. But there is no more "us".

When people ask, I'll say "I'm doing fine, I'm moving on", because I was the one who wanted out, could I be anything but ok? Seeing you coming back to life on Facebook and Instagram made me smile just a little. You who enjoyed social media so much but stayed away for so long worried me just a little. And no, I'm not stalking you on social media. I guess I just want to say thank you regardless of what happens from now on.