25 July 2005

BIrthday Party

I've learned one thing at Fakar's Birthday party.

That's blackjack with drinks as the punishment for losing is an easy way to finish up alcohol.

I had lots of FUN.
Missed u guys.


15 July 2005


I cooked today.
It was fun.
I made salad, mashed potatoes, satueed brocoli and chicken in lemon juice and oregano. There was also soup, but it came out of a can, so I'm not very proud of it.

What I'm proud of is how I made the salad dressing myself instead of getting it off the shelves. Initially I wanted to get it premade, but when i saw what they put into the dressings on the shelve, i decided to make it myself instead.

It was made from olive oil, lemon juice, chopped garlic and sugar.

But there was a little problem, I made way too much for two people.

13 July 2005


it seems the biggest news in Singapore now is the one about NKF.
But I'm not going to talk about that.
I'm going to talk about lawyers.
Because ultimately the lawyers get paid no matter who wins.
Damn, no wonder my ambition as a child was to be a lawyer.
Yes, I do love money so.

As a sidenote, there's now an interesting petition concerning NKF. You can view it here.

11 July 2005


How i wish i was born in the era of the bigband jazz.
Where they have dance hall with a live jazz big band playing.

She went home.

Elyse is no longer staying at our place, I'll miss her even though she's pretty noisy.


Sentosa was fun.
sandwiches were tasty.
weather was great.
Tuna was delicious.
company was amazing.
view was nice.
Water was cool.

I love the beach.
Although I like the redang beach more than bintan's beach,
and bintan's more than sentosa's.

Yawnz. should go there again soon.


had another tuition session today.
realized that I definitely didn't pay enough attention during my secondary school days.

Especially during symmetry lessons.
I had no idea what rotational symmetry is till 10 mins into the lesson.

Clueless tutor => poor student.

Glad I managed to figure out everything b4 i made a total fool of myself.

10 July 2005


A lesson I've learnt about some girls from a friend.

When they say NO, it can sometimes means yes.

For example:

You offer to make your way down to the opposite end of the island just to pass her something.

She says no, it's too far.
She might really mean no, thinking of your welfare.
Or she wants to say yes, but says no, not wanting to appear demanding.
Or she's actually saying yes, in the way female's sometime says the oppostie of what they actually mean.

In all three cases, it seems that going down is the best option.
for in all three cases, she'll admonish you for coming down, but in her heart she'll be happy that you've made the effort to come all the way.

But you'll most probably spoil her rotten if you do this all the time. But she'll probably be one happy lady.

2 July 2005


I'll miss our Karen.