28 March 2004


Met up with some friends for dinner at cityhall, went to a restaurant at millenium walk. had the most interesting dinner in a long long while.

First, there was this cute waitress who waited on us.

Seriously, she is damn cute. she looks like a doll. and she has the sweetest smile.

But that was not the thing that made the night so memorable, what made it memorable was the simple fact that we got relatively bad service, and yet no one was really dissatisfied about it. haha... and NO, it was not due to the fact that the girl is cute.

the reason why no one got angry was that we could see that the waitress was a classic blonde. she seem to be so unaware of what was going around her. what follows is a sample of the dialouge we had with her.

US: excuse me, but we would like to delay the serving of the last order till our friend arrives, is it okay?

HER: (blur look) er.... okie...

US: What time do u all close?

HER: (blur look again) i dunno. Wait

Rushes to counter to ask the cashier.

Haha... i must say that the look on her face is an all time classic. Kawaii ne.

I could tell that she was trying her best, but it still doesn't change the fact that she is pretty clueless. sigh, i guess that must be part of wat's so attractive about her.

Unfortunately, the reason for me to eat at this particular restaurant was simply due to the fact that it has replaced the restaurant that i liked. the old restaurant was much nicer, and the servings larger... lol
sigh, another good eating place gone.

26 March 2004


Heard an disturbing conversation yesterday on the bus home.
it went something like this:

Mum A: Hi, you're bringing ur child to school? its still so early?

Mum B: oh yes, i'm afraid that he will be late, you know how Bus service *** is so unpredictable.

Mum A: that's true, i once waited for half an hour for the bus. i was sending my daughter to school. Because of the bus, she was late, she got there as they started to sing the National Anthem. so usually if i'm running late, i'll take bus 153 instead, its true that you have to walk a short distance, but it is still better compared to being late.

Mum B: 153? No thanks, we do not like to walk. anyway we usually just set off from home earlier. So its usually no problem.

Mum A: but wat if ur son is late for school? u know how they always try to catch those late comers? especially those prefects, they will take down the names of the latecomers even when they have a legitimate reason for being late. those prefects are so naughty especially the girls. my son was also a prefect when he was in the school, and he always closed one eye when it came to latecomers. i mean wat's the big deal about being a prefect.

*at this point in the conversation, my mind just boggled, i try to shut out the conversation, and felt like going up to the two mums and slapping them.

wat is the world coming to? where moms teaches their children through their actions that authorities are to be ignored or challenged even when you have broken a norm? and that a mom can be proud that her son, being given the power to enforce punctuality, neglects his duty?

24 March 2004


Feeling damn sluggish today...
Think i'll go lounge by the pool.
excuse to go tanning...

22 March 2004

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20 March 2004


I'm not a religious person. however i do believe in God, but not in the way humans' religion has decided to depict him. I do not see the need to ritualize my beliefs into a religion. when i hear the word religion, it brings to my mind an organization governed by people who tries to force the intepretation of their personal beliefs. i'm sure many people feels otherwise, (otherwise the churches and mosques and temples would all be emipty), they'll say kthat religion is a way teo get in touch wotsh their spiritual side, that it provides spiritual support.

I'm sure that it does. however, is not God omnipresent? if so, why do we need to go to a designated place to pray? Does He not "hear" us no matter where we are? To guide us, whereever we are? Surely He feels that we are capable enough to live the life he intended for us, without need for us to be overreliant on Him spiritually? To turn to Him for strength whenever we encounter setbacks in life? i've often heard this phrase "God helps those who help themselves.", however i feel that religion tends to make people think that they should seek strength in religion. But is this not a form of escapism? I think that He never intend for us to go running to Him whenever we encounter troubles, like parents, He'll be there, but His ultmate wish is to have his children become independent. which parent would want their child to be dependent on them forever?

Religion to me is man's interpretation of beliefs, however true belief lies in the heart. I feel that each individual's connection to God is personal, and has no need for the trapping of religion. i am not religious, yet i live my life the way He intended for me, to live my life to the fullest. i have no need for religion to tell me what i should not do or should do to be closer to Him, my heart is my best guide. He created me the way i am, unless His purpose is for me to be an object of discrimination, i see no point in subjecting myself to a religion which moralises and attributes everything to Him, where in fact the moralization comes about due to human discrimination.

Essentially, what i'm trying to say is that religion is not necessary for a person to believe, and that religion might not be the best interpretor of Him, for religion will inadvertenly be tainted by humans, for it is a human concept, and no human concept, no matter how noble can be free of the narrow mindedness of humans.

17 March 2004


I'm having my programming Pratical exams in another half an hour, yet here i am updating my blog.
to be honest i have no idea what to study for, it seems as though everyone is mugging away, yet i'm barely doing anything, wonder what's wrong with me. I feel that programming is a largely intuitive thing, it all depends on ur reaction on the spot, and no amount of cramming helps, that and the simple fact that the pratical exam is a "open book" exam, haha.... no need for all the memorizing of yesteryears.... Remember History or Literature or Geography? where there's tons and tons of names terms and dates to remember. it might sound weird, but ithink back on those subjects with fondness. where everything is more less concrete, where every question gives a "been there done there" feel. where answers could be memorized and regurgitated back at the examiner.

A short entry today, since i have to go present to the rest of the world, a look that says i'm worried about the computing Pratical exams, where in actual fact, i'm not all that stressed nor concerned.

15 March 2004


Saw another yellow colored sports car on sat night,
wondered aloud why people seemed to like yellow sports cars so much.
My fren gave an answer which amused me to no end,
"Perhaps" he said, "they always dreamed of being a taxi driver".
Although it does not sound that funny when i think about it,
it was hilarious to me when i first heard it.
So credit to Gage for making me laugh.

Went to the I.T. fair in suntec over the weekend.
Together with the food fair being held one flight up,
it felt as though the whole of Singapore was there.
It was just humans crowding one another,
stepping on each others toes,
jostling for space.

Think i'll skip the next I.T./Book/Food Fair that comes along,
hell, think i'll even skip going to towns on weekends.
Crowds just make me feel uncomfortable,
i'm a person who needs personal space.

I'm runnin' outta patience for this city state,
i used to think that i would like to live here for the rest of my life,
sure i'll go experience the outside world,
but here is where i'll always call home.

Recently however, i've began to change my mind,
i feel that singapore is getting too crowded,
everywhere you turn, there are people.
There's no privacy wherever you go.

Even at home, the most private of places,
you're still not totally alone.
Nosy neighbours who can hear every raised conversation,
every sound of passion or anger.

Give me a wide open space where i can run free,
where there is a star-filled sky every night,
where a kiss can be shared underneath a tree,
where you can catch the Sun's first and last light.

a place where i can be me,
no necessity for pretence.
no stress, no exams,
just simple enjoyment of life itself.

The stress must be getting to me,
sigh, the exams are nearing,
guess i should study hard,
i've no other talents other than studying,
and i'm not that great at it either.

11 March 2004


Got to wear my No. 4 today, it has been a while since i had to wear it. and the reason i had to wear it was for a reason other than national service. heh.

Today, i got a taste of wat it is like to be a "star", actually, a over glorified extra is closer to the truth. oh well, it was an interesting experience non the less. Everyone was very friendly and helpful, making my first time before a camera an enjoyable time. The video is to promote the www.miw.com.sg website, apparantly it is to try and get more people to use the site.

During the shoot, i got to fiddle around with a powerbook. i was drooling so much, they had to mop up the floor after that scene. Hee, but on a serious note, the powerbook is damn cool, damn, i should have bought an powerbook instead of an IBM thinkpad. sigh.

Just one day of shooting and i'm tired, makes me wonder how those actors/actresses manage to shoot days after days, with little rest in between. Their endurance must be pretty fabulous. my admiration for them. and i wonder if they are able to watch themself on tv and not cringe? i know i'll probably just convulse and die if the video ever gets onto national tv. -_-'''

hmmmm, i'm afraid someone is feeling neglected, because i recieved an sms stating that i have been silent the whole day. sigh all the filming must have muddled my mind, how could i have been so negligent? Guess its time to go and sooth some feathers.

8 March 2004


Un-expected disappointments.

Feeling down.

Un-assuaged anticipations,

Frown is shown.

Un-relenting downpour,

Drenched crown.

Un-appreciated music,

Sorrows drown.


In mandarin, they have this idiom,
Failure is the mother of sucess.

People always say:
Failure is a necessary part of life,
that we should learn from failure,
so that we can improve ourselves.

Failure can be seen as a way to better ourselves,
BUT, why do i still feel so shitty?

I want to be comforted,
i want to be told that its not my fault,
however i know that it is all my fault,
that circumstances had nothing to do with it.

The one good thing that came out of this whole fiasca,
is that i finally saw the caing side of a friend,
someone who looks as though he doesn't bother,
but in reality, he's a great guy who cares.

Writing this down has made me feel better.
it doesn't change the fact that i'm a failure,
but at least i'm a failure who has good friends.

Think i'm gonna go take a nap,
To look fresher and less like a loser
for my date later.

7 March 2004


The mid-term test are almost over, one more test next Friday and i'll be done. A short respite is in sight, before i endeavour to scale the slope known as final exams. Wondering what i should do next week? Study hard for my last mid-term paper? Or should i just take a breather.

Study? Relax? Study?

haha, a no brainer huh?

Lately, i've been thinking a lot, about how fast time goes by, it seems not so long ago when i was one of the kids playing "chee gu ba" on the bus, with nary a care,(except maybe the wrath of mom when results are bad). when life was easier and every thing seemd t be provided for. As i grow older, it seems that my worries just increases with no end in sight.

I start to worry about what i'm gonna do in future. Whether the person i find is the one for me? whether i can provde for her? whether i am good enough for her? How i'm gonna cope with my life. Whether i'll ever grow totally independent of my parents, and more importantly, do i wan to be independent? Scary questions to me. Right now, i can't wait to start my "independent" life, yet i'm afraid when it comes, i'll not be able to face up to the challenge.

Is it normal to worry so much?
I dunno.

Damnit, i even worry about the human species chance of survival into the next millenium. haha....

Maybe, just maybe, i should try to lighten up?

Now i just have to worry about how to acheive that..............

3 March 2004


This time round, it's a real headache, wanna sleep, but i can't.
10+ more chapters of physics to study by saturday. yippee....
my life is so enjoyable.

2 March 2004


Skipped school in the morning, stayed at home to catch the Academy Awards a.k.a. The Oscars.

Hmmm, no huge surprises this year, those who deserved to win won, and surprise surprise (or maybe not that huge a surprise,) LOTR finally won. ELEVEN Oscars. I enjoyed LOTR tremendously myself, with the beautiful scenery(i wanna go NZ), gorgeous actors/actresses, great story although some liberties have been taken with the original story, (YES, i'm one of the people who read the LOTR trilogy.). So i guess it really deserved to win, however i started to think, if the show wasn't such a great box office hit, would it have gotten any awards? although it is a great film, Hollywood doesn't really appreciate Fantasy stuff? hmmm...
i wonder....

As i watched Charlize Theron go onstage to recieve her oscar, i was struck by her beauty. something you coulldn't tell from her character in the Movie "Monster". I noticed that int the two most recent Oscars, the winner of the best Lead Actress, usually takes on a role which requires them to cover up their beauty, Nicole in the Hours last year and Charlize Theron this year, it makes wonder, do u have to uglify urself, before people will start to take u seriously?

however later in the evening when i got the chance to catch monster, i realised that Charlize Theron really deserved that award, she really moved me, she was able to make me feel the emotions the character was going through, the struggles, the pain, the joy. What really breaked my heart was that her character really loved Selby, yet Selby betrayed her love by helping the Police get a confession out of Charlize's character.

It makes me feel that human beings are a truly lousy bunch, we talk about ourselves as being higher beings compared to animals, yet when the time comes, we are reduced to animals willing to do anything to survive.

Hmmm, but i haven't yet lost all hopes in humanity, for i know that someone out there loves me, and i feel the same way too.


1 March 2004


Programming, love it or hate it, i just can't ignore it.

SAD :(