25 December 2004


Just gotten my results.

It isn't great but I managed to scrape through. :)

Wondering if i would obsess over my cap score if it was better? Haha, i dunno. Maybe.

I've already accepted the fact that I'm not going to get into the Dean's list or anything like that. So I'm glad that i managed to do reasonably well. :) As long as no fails or anything like that and i'm happy liao.

And i gotten another A from this semester.

At this rate, I'll probably get a grand total of 8 A's by the end of these four years, since I'm always lucky enough to get an A every semester.

Oh well.


It's 4.30 am, what am I doing still awake at this ungodly hour? Watching anime and stuff. Got a pretty interesting card, wait, what's interesting is what is written inside. Just want to say that it's never too late to do something, what matters is how much you wish to do it, you need to put in effort for everything that you want. *grins* Hopes this helps. Oh yah, if need to talk can find me, certain stuff i might not be able to help, but there are areas where i might be, :). I have a world of experience behind me, ( yah right!)

Watched Ntional treasure on X'mas eve, it is not bad, a typical hollywood flick with the big explosions, big names, big story, and big car chasing scenes. Probably big budgeted too. But it was nice, a tad bit too commercial if you ask me. What i really wanted to watch was this Japanese show titled "Dare mo shiranai"(nobody knows). It's about these four kids whose mum abandons them to their own devices and the eldest boy has to take on the resposibility of taking care of the rest of the children. The problem lies in the fact that he's only 12 yrs old. I guess it's gonna be at worst a soppy sob story about how they overcome the difficulties, but looking at it another way it shows how adverse situations might affect different people differently, others might have chosen to shrug off the responsibility and sit there waiting for others to help, while others will chose the way that the boy handles it. It's also a non formal look at Japanese society, and Asian society in general. Asian society is generally conservative, so things that are out of the norm do not sit well with them. In this case, that of a parentless family.

Oh yeah, people who have been seeing me recently would know that I'm pretty into japanese stuff right now. It's just that it amazes me how a culture that is so homogenous can be so fractured at the same time. And how the japanese culture produces weird situations and unorthodox yet effective solutions ( crowded homes -> inconvinient to have sex at home -> Sex motels ). And a culture that recognises animation as a medium that is more than just entertainment for kids but as a tool to present to the world the vision the animator sees. What hollywood does with big budgets, the Japanese have been doing with animation. It is only recently that The west realized that Animation is more than just for kids. ( Animatrix, shrek to a certain extent.)

I can tell the world that it is a bad idea to head to Orchard road on christmas eve if you dislike crowds. It was an interesting experience to say the least. But I leave that for tomorrow since I'm typing with an error rate of 40% now.

Time to stop. Time to sleep. Time to wish someone would stay.

Merry Christmas, Pieces of Earth and all that.

Oh yah, one last thing, everyone, its not a good idea to be too nice to someone else when your bf/gf is around. Not even when you don't mean anything more. It's just not a good idea. Just a little piece of advice i thought i would share.

21 December 2004


I was having dinner with my parents last night when I saw something that showed me how cynical and weird I am.

A woman walked past with her maid carry the baby, the woman was carrying plastic bag from the video rental shop.

Immediatly i think, why does she needs a maid when she has the time to rent videos to watch?

A few assumptions i made
1. its a tv series, meaning she's most probably gonna spend hours completing the thing.
2. She's a housewife. She sure looks like one.
3. She's entrusting the care of the baby totally to the maid. I know that if the baby is mine, the maid would be carrying the plastic bag while i carry the baby.

Am i cynical? Yes i think so, but am I wrong to be cynical?
It's a world that's largely unfair, there are people out there who have everything without having to work for it. Yes there are people worse off than me, but that just proves my point, life ain't fair.

Another pointless rant by me.

20 December 2004

Things *shrugs*

Dear Blog,

Been feeling funny lately. I'm wishing that someone can pay more attention to me, yet when I do get the attention, I wish that the attention is not on me. The person I wish would pay attention to me is not.

Feeling kind of lost lately, having too much time on hand, don't know what to do with this much time. It feels as though I'm the only person I know who is just idling my time away. Nothing constructive. Feel like a total bum.

Feeling tired from secrets. Wondering when I'll finally be free from all secrets, probably the day when i breathe my last.

Wondering about the future, knowing that I'll never be truly a part of your life. And no matter how hard I try, you seemed to remain aloof from mine. I wonder how long can this last. I guess its partly why I'm so irritable lately. Wondering what type of future we'll ever have.

Feel like just shutting myself up somewhere no one knows. Where no one can find me, but i think no one will want to find me. Don't think anyone will notice that I'm gone anyway. i think i'll just go hide in my room now.

New Design

Changed my layout yet again. This is how it's suppose to look like, if it doesn't look the same on your end, tough. Life ain't perfect, neither is my blog, live with it. :)

11 December 2004

Merry X'mas

Tis the season to be merry. :)

10 December 2004



8 December 2004


I've been wanting to post something for the longest time ever. But i didn't for i was afraid i'll irritate anyone who reads it. ( oh wait, i think its only gagey. :P ) Hee... Been feeling down in the dumps lately, argued with mom again, she's ignoring me.

It's not the first time that she has decided that she has the right to decide whether my stuff are toys for my nephew/niece. And they lied to me, saying that my book got caught somewhere and was torn. And when that lie failed, they said that Elyse took it without them noticing, as if i'll believe that? She can't even crawl, the book was on the table, and she managed to get her hands on it? If i believed that lie, i'm stupid. I dunno who was responsible for her at that time, but I hate it that they decided to lie to me, thinking that i'm stupid. And they seem to think that i have no right to be angry? If it was Rae who spoiled, i might have been less angry. But Elyse? A babe in arm? which means that someone allowed her to take the book.

I dunno, am I wrong to be angry? She ignores me, I don't like that. Plus, Elyse likes to put stuff in her mouth, what if the ink caused her to fall sick? How then? Maybe i was wrong to lose my temper, but they have been charged with her welfare, they should be responsible for her well being and discipline.

I hate this, I wish i could be talking to you, but you are not here. I miss you so.

5 December 2004


Was flipping through the Straits Times today morning. Read my horoscope and was amused. It said that I'm yearning for an overseas call. haha. How freaky is that? haha.

1 December 2004

To Do list

Things to do after my Exams:

1. Buy a new phone (finally)
2. Buy some new PS2 games
3. Buy some novels.
4. Buy Faye's Concert DVD.
5. Go clubbing (?)
6. Go swimming.
7. Redesign my weblog.
8. Earn money.