24 February 2005


Found grape jam.

think i'm craving for good ramen again.

wondering if the ipod shuffle is a good enough substitute for the ipod?

23 February 2005

Go watch

Go watch "A very long engagement"
It's nice.

16 February 2005


Have you ever realised how long a year can be? Have you ever thought of how much a person can change in a year? These were the thoughts running through my mind as I laid in bed staring at the ceiling. Drowning out all other thoughts, and any ability to sleep.

I've finally met someone, someone who was once important in your life, he looks different you said, in a tone full of wistful regret. Regret at your letting go? Regret at the way he is wasting away? I do not know. You say that what you had with him is over, yet you can never forget him, for you are not someone who can just let go of memories so easily. Yet in him, I saw how much a person can change, what would you see as you look at me when you return? An ignorant boy trying to take on the role of a man?

I know you wish that I could be there with you. I wish I could be there with you, but there are things that we wish for but will never come true. There is no doubt about the feelings we have, yet people do change. And how much would you change? how much would I change?

I've said to a friend that long distance relationships are difficult, and now, that person has uttered the exact same words back to me. I know I am making a right decision. I have to let you go.

The year that we've had together went by so quickly that it felt as though we've only just met. I remember where we had our first meal together, at a japanese restaurant, slurping down ramen together. Having ramen on New Years day together. Countless bentos shared in town. Meals at sushi bars. Japanese meals that we've had in school. The tasteless miso soup we had. The countless forays into Muji and kinokuniya. Shopping at Japanese supermarkets, wowed by the sheer ingenuity of their products. But soon, we'll be seperated by Japan, a place that brought us together.

I cannot imagine a year without you, without your silliness, without your insatiable appetite for all things japanese. Would you remain the same when you return? would a year in Japan change you?

What we have should be strong enough to weather this, but knowing this does not lessen how much I'll miss you.

You came into my life recently and I can't do without you anymore.

I sleep better now, putting such thoughts out of my mind, savoring every moment I have with you before you go away.

They say absence make the heart grows fonder,
I wish I didn't have this chance to prove it.

12 February 2005


Am I way too free?
Someone, thinking that I've way too much free time, is now feeling insecure, afraid with what I might do with the free time i have.

The answer, study and to get my body into shape.

I noticed that for some people, they equate being busy with being not lonely, and having too much free time as being lonely. Trust me, that's not the case, you can be lonely when you're busy, and yet not when you have free time. I do not know how to explain that when I say that I'm not doing anything, need not mean I'm bored, it probably means that the time is my own, and that I'll do whatever i feel like doing when the time comes, be it swimming, studying, watching tv, blogging, etc.

Today is the third day of the lunar new year, managed to spend a relaxed afternoon in Orchard, walking around and not doing anything much.

I think my classmates are surprised at how hard working I am this semester, because so far, I've been attending lectures and tutorials consistently, I'm ahead in my assignments and tutorials. I guess my dismal results for last semester
finally showed me that I need to start working hard.

I spent the evening at Choon Sze's place. We had dinner at his place, and was there to "visit" his family. We had steamboat and a lot of fun there, with friendly jibing and bickering. Tried some sweet red wine, too sweet for my taste.

Heard from someone that Mr. H's relative is not feeling well. I wish that he'll be alright.

Have been growing fat on New Year goodies, especially the cashew cookies that my mum bought specially for me, so happy.

This year, the bak kwa in my house is going very slowly, I have no idea why, NO one seems to want to eat it this year. It's still in the packet, barely touched. I've also lost my taste for pineapple tarts, I prefer the cashew cookies now.

On the train home, Adrian let me took a quiz which determines what type of person I am, and it is surprisingly accurate. I was amazed. I'm asking him to send to me both the quiz and the analysis. Hopefully, I'll be able to let others try too.

FOR THE RECORD: I think that Singapore wouldn't have gotten this far without the vision and determination of LKY and the "old guards". I say this after reading through his memoirs and through a module which finally shows me the severity of the situation Singapore was in at the onset of its independence. It has taught me respect for them.

And the recent furor over the Casino has shown me that even withnin a party itself, there can be differing views. It just so happens that the customary way was for a consensus to be reached before presenting a united stand against the world. It is a way to boost other countries confidence in Singapore.

Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater good.