27 November 2006


Something happened that made me really happy today.

A friend called and asked for my help,
in dealing with a Japanese lady.

So i did, i managed to find out what she wanted to do,
told her what she needed to do,
all over the phone.

Somehow, it makes me feel that learning Japanese does have it uses,



Thoughts running through my head,
Such a great desire to write them down,
yet I'm too afraid.

Too afraid of revealing too much,
Someday, I will write it all out.
Yes, maybe someday.

26 November 2006


Somehow, I miss steamboat on a Saturday night.

24 November 2006



22 November 2006


Sick, the day before my first paper.
I'm just glad that it's a fluff paper. :)

20 November 2006

7 November 2006


A message about safe sex :)

3 November 2006



The Seniors.

The juniors. (i.e. the newbies. )

The junior Gals

Junior Guys

That's Robin in the middle holding on to the shinai. He's the first runner up for the non-bogu division.

James, Perry, Wenlin, me, and Jiejing smiling and taking photos while every one else is concentrating on the matches.

It must have looked pretty weird to the other kendo clubs to see the NUS kendo kai juniors treating the tournament as a chance to take pictures and generally treating it as one big excursion.