3 January 2011


It's been a year since I last updated my blog.
And so much have happened in 2010 that I feel I should share.

I traveled to China proper for the first time, it was work, but I got to see a Chinese inland city, one that was rather affluent, but still there are differences that took some getting used to. It reminded me of my Sydney trip in that I was an independent entity for 2 weeks. I checked out some Pandas and some of the temples and bought home a boatload of tea.

I went to Europe for the first time! And it was really fun, tiring but fun. I got to see a triceratops fossil up close and something of great significance happened while watching the Sun set on top of Eiffel.

I was "surprised" with an Air Ticket to Tokyo during my Birthday and I finally got to visit a fantastical Metropolis and to spend a relaxing afternoon in an Onsen.

Spent Christmas in Bangkok, shopped a lot, ate a fair bit and drank too much to be good for me.

2010 was also the year where we made a huge commitment together. Still slightly nervous, but also very excited to see it completed ASAP.

Year 2010 ended in a gathering with good friends whom we met at a party on Christmas Eve 2009. 2010 seem to have gone by in a flash, but looking back, it was a fulfilling and exciting year.