28 December 2006
24 December 2006
8 December 2006
27 November 2006
A friend called and asked for my help,
in dealing with a Japanese lady.
So i did, i managed to find out what she wanted to do,
told her what she needed to do,
all over the phone.
Somehow, it makes me feel that learning Japanese does have it uses,
Such a great desire to write them down,
yet I'm too afraid.
Too afraid of revealing too much,
Someday, I will write it all out.
Yes, maybe someday.
26 November 2006
24 November 2006
22 November 2006
20 November 2006
7 November 2006
3 November 2006

The Seniors.

The juniors. (i.e. the newbies. )

The junior Gals

Junior Guys

That's Robin in the middle holding on to the shinai. He's the first runner up for the non-bogu division.

James, Perry, Wenlin, me, and Jiejing smiling and taking photos while every one else is concentrating on the matches.
It must have looked pretty weird to the other kendo clubs to see the NUS kendo kai juniors treating the tournament as a chance to take pictures and generally treating it as one big excursion.
24 October 2006
It was an interesting training session, with senpai telling us that we'll become smurfs at the send of training, (in other words, the dye will come off).
Learning how to wear the gi and hakama is challenge in itself.
Folding the them to put into my bag is even more of a problem.
But it does feel different wearing proper attire to kendo. You walk straighter, feel more confident, and most importantly of all, ou don't run the risk of accidently exposing yourself.
It's hotter definitely, but it's oh so much more fun.
I'm enjoying kendo so much, I'm beginning to question why I didn't join earlier.
25 September 2006
The fact that not only are there people who would torture cats, there are those who would take a video clip of themself kicking a cat. I wonder if these people get weird nightmares of giant cats kicking them and making a video clip out of it.
The fact that there are people who will starve themselves for a whole week just to lose weight, and part of the program involves having to look at people eat dinner after they've starved themselves for a whole week. Weird way to lose weight.
The fact that I'm now hooked onto a korean drama titled "Full House". Never thought I'll be hooked onto korean drama, weird. Although if anyone has the vcds/dvds of this drama, do be kind and lend me.
Weird that life feels empty recently.
Weird that I'm beginning to worry.
Weird that I do not know what else to do.
15 September 2006
Xtreme Makeover
About a pair of friends.
They were almost perfect at the end,
except for their boobs,
which took up too much space.
I couldn't understand why they had to go for breast enlargement, when they looked more than ample.
One of them turned out to look too top heavy.
Like a barbie doll, except for the waist.
I've never been a big fan of big chested women,
preferring petite, proportionate and pretty.
I know that there are guys who love well endowed women,
I'm not one of those.
13 September 2006
19 August 2006
14 August 2006
23 July 2006
21 July 2006
just "pass", not "conditional pass", not "fail".
Happiness is made up of little things.
Been listening to "Scissor Sisters", they've been around for quite a while, but I've only heard of them recently, and I like them. They have an interesting sound. Right now, i might have thousands of songs in my iPod, but I'm only listening to them on my way to and from work.
bopping my head to their quirky sound and "interesting" lyrics.
scaring the hell out of my fellow commuters,
earning weird looks from the rush hour crowd.
10 July 2006
It's not. I've been feeling out of sorts since you left.
This one week together with you has been the best week out of my whole holidays.
3 July 2006
On saturday, we gathered at Vicky's place and had a bit of fun doing a bit of fortune telling. It wasn't full fledged fortune telling, since we were only able to ask about our relations concerning only one person at a time.
I realised something that day, the tellings were quite accurate, but then the readings were so general that you could find a correlation if you tried.
So there.
I do not believe in horoscopes nor fortunes.
Life and love is what you make of it, even if it will take you a while to work up the courage to fight for it.
Recently a friend complained to me about how she regrets dumping her boyfriend. And as I listened, I came to the realization that I was listening to a kid complain. Because her regret surfaced only when she realized that her ex is moving on, and is starting to date once again.
From what I've heard, he is a perfectly nice guy, a tad clingy, a tad over-protective, but a nice guy nontheless. But that she decided to part ways due to issues which she felt were irresolvable. So she expressed a desire to be back with him, and I asked her, "do you feel that those issues are going to be resolvable now?" she couldn't give me any answer, just a I don't know.
From my point of view, she was being selfish. She wanted freedom, yet she wanted the guy to be there when she got tired of freedom. And now that she realises the guy might not be there anymorem she begins to regret it.
Of course, him being back in Singapore probably helped to changed her mind.
What I'm afraid of is that the guy will gladly take her back if she wants to go back, and that this might not be good for them.
I think that the both of them might not be mature enough to handle a relationship. At least not with one another.
Lazy Sunday
It makes me wonder how often will we get to do that together? When school starts, we'll once again be busy with school work, and with your church commitments on Sundays, I don't think we'll have many chances to just laze around on a Sunday.
But still, it was nice.
24 June 2006
20 June 2006
Since he's going alone, he asked whether I would like to go along.
I would love to, but school and being cash strapped rendered me helpless to fulfill my want.
oh well, guess I can only sing madonna's song and write down Los Angeles in bold on my list of places I want to see before I die, right below Venice and above Istanbul. :)
Everybody comes to Hollywood
They wanna make it in the neighborhood
They like the smell of it in Hollywood
How could it hurt you when it looks so good
Shine your light now
This time it's gotta be good
You get it right now
'Cause you're in Hollywood
There's something in the air in Hollywood
The sun is shinin' like you knew it would
You're ridin' in your car in Hollywood
You got the top down and it feels so good
Everybody comes to Hollywood
They wanna make it in the neighborhood
They like the smell of it in Hollywood
How could it hurt you when it looks so good
I lost my memory in Hollywood
I've had a million visions, bad and good
There's something in the air in Hollywood
I tried to leave it but I never could
There's something in the air in Hollywood
I've lost my reputation, bad and good
You're ridin' in your car in Hollywood
You got the top down and it feels so good
Music stations always play the same songs
I'm bored with the concept of right and wrong
Everybody comes to Hollywood
They wanna make it in the neighborhood
They like the smell of it in Hollywood
How could it hurt you when it looks so good
'Cause you're in Hollywood
'Cause you're in Hollywood
In Hollywood (repeat four times)
Check it out, this bird has flown
'Cause you're in Hollywood
'Cause you're in Hollywood
In Hollywood (repeat three times)
Push the button
Don't push the button
Trip the station
Change the channel
(repeat three times)
17 June 2006
16 June 2006
Blink blink
Someone decided to give someone another chance. Despite the sheer absurdity of the reason for the break up. I won't go into the reason, since I don't think it's appropriate for me to reveal it.
15 June 2006
On another note, someone is sick. Sad. Nothing I can do. Actually there's not much I can do even if someone is in Singapore, except accompany to the doctor's and moral support and to worry.
6 more minutes to knock off as I'm typing. Got my program up and running, running the simulations now.
12 June 2006
Cereal Prawns
6 June 2006
4 June 2006
As much as i like looking at young nubike things( yes dear, I do look and I'm sorry.) I know that a certain someone is the one and only one for me.
A friend was telling me about how long distance relationship is a potential pit fall for relationships due to reasons known to all( I hope ).
At one point I was pretty worried and I got angry. I know you've forgiven me, and I'm grateful for that.
A friend(a fellow scorpio) gave me an insight into a scorpio's personailty, and I think it's quite accurate, Scorpios are a possesive bunch. So he advised me to loosen up, let her have fun, trust her, I'm trying, it ain't easy, but I'm trying.
Conversely, I realise that I'm not under a very tight rein at all, any restrictions I have are mostly due to myself, temptations abounds, and I know that I should never put myself in a situation where I might get tempted.
SOOOOO, I might like looking at young nubile things, but at the end of the day I look forward to conversing with you( when you're not acting silly ), a perfectionist, a scatter brain, a dreamer, and the love of my life.
* hmmm, that last line seems to be a bit mushy. But I like it. haha.
28 May 2006
Been feeling kind of down recently. Got my results, My CAP went down again. Oh well, at least I didn't fail.
I think i might have over reacted a few nights back. But I just got my results, and I wasn't feeling great when you called. I was tired from work, tired from seeing my crappy result, tired of always having to wait for you to end your parties. I'm so tired. Heard the news that a friend broke up, he tried to look happy when I saw him on saturday, yet I could sense his unhappiness, his sadness. Also found out that another friend is back together with the person he broke up with. I could sense his unhappiness too. So we went to dance the night away. To try and forget our problems and our sadness.
I'm getting way too old to still be clubbing, I think it's time I stop, isn't it time for you to stop as well?
Haha, I feel so silly, I think I should start a diary soon, one where I can really write how I really feel, one where I'll read 10 years later, smiling and cringing as I do so.
I know this blog ain't it, I compose my posts with the utmost care to preserve the anomymity of the people involved, and to compose my thoughts in such a way so as not to offend people.
I wonder if I should stop? I don't see anymore meaning in blogging.
I think I'll take a break from now, until my spirits are higher, and my words cheerier, and my life interesting.
4 May 2006
The most noticeable event is that I'm done with my exams. :)
And the realization that we do not argue like normal couples.
We do not like to talk about the stuff that bothers us,
we just keep quiet.
Bad for the relationship huh?
I agree, but there's nothing I can really do, I can try to talk about stuff, but i figure we'll probably just end up not talking about it.
We're both too non-confrontational.
I hate it.
Long distance relationships. What do I think of it?
It sucks.
There's no intimacy.
And there's a very big difference between talking to you on the phone and talking to you lying by my side.
There's no one to go to when I'm feeling down.
That's why I've decided, I'll not take up a job that'll take me away from you. Not even for a few days.
Sometimes, I wonder am I being silly to give up things, take up things for you. I would like to think I'm not. One person in a relationship has to give more, all that about equal relationship is bull shit. It is not attainable.
Am I the one giving more? It feels like it sometimes, but I can't be sure that is the case.
Sometimes I do wonder, what do you see in me?
I can't really see anything good in myself.
That is why I try my best to be good to you.
20 April 2006
I got scolded the other day.
Why? Because I said to someone that I didn't feel like studying.
And i felt happy to be scolded.
18 April 2006
Somebody said that I'm not known for my sympathy, and I think that isn't true.
I sympathize, but not when it is not going to do the person any good.
I scold because I love. But I must admit I go overboard at times.
But I find it irritating when someone does silly things and complains about it after.
Maybe I hate it because I'm prone to doing it as well. But I'm trying to outgrow it.
I'll only scold those that matter to me.
Because I don't want the people i care about to be hurt, or tired from their own (in my opinion) bad decisions.
Understand a bit more of me today.
Know my intentions, I do not ever mean to hurt.
10 April 2006
Buses and plastic bags
First of all it was almost rush hour, and the bus was slowly filling up. So there I was listening to my iPod almost dozing off. Nearing Toa Payoh, three aunties boarded the bus. I gave one of them my seat, leaving two. And there's when I realised that there was an empty seat, oh wait, it wasn't empty, it was occupied by a plastic bag. A plastic bag that could have fitted nicely ontop of the bag of its owner, a horizontally challenged Indian boy. But no, the plastic bag had to have a seat of its own during rush hour, while there were people standing.
And the worse thing? One of the aunties came towards the seat thinking that it was empty, only to be disappointed to find it occupied by a plastic bag. Luckily, the lady sitting infront of the kid gave her seat up to the auntie. Thus resolving a potentially awkward situation for the kid.
I wonder if I should have said or done something. But then I couldn't be bothered.
9 April 2006
8 April 2006
Over the rainbow
I could say it's because you've said "I love you" to me.
Or how it feels so right to have you lying in my arms.
Or how my legs seem to be the perfect pillow for you.
Or how waking up to you by my side feels so natural.
Or how my heart beats faster when you're near.
Or how right it feels even when we're arguing.
Or how your hand seems to made for mine.
But the real reason is that I just do.
My heart knows.
You're the one.
You're the one for me.
7 April 2006
Blogging in japanese?
Some of my friends from the Japanese classes set up this blog, if you understand japanese, do go check it out and tell us what's wrong. You should go check it even if you do not understand japanese, simply because it's cool. :)
1 April 2006
When i was eating the onigiri, I suddenly thought "this tastes really good". And suddenly I missed Japan.
I went Mediya, and I saw so many japanese snacks, and again I missed Japan.
But as I was walking home, I came to a realization.
I thought I missed Japan.
But it's really you that I miss.
31 March 2006
30 March 2006
24 March 2006
I'll try not to give you cause to worry.
I'll study hard.
I'll be a good boy.
I'll miss you.
I'll look foward to when you're back again.
From a silly boy.
18 March 2006
Spotted again
eating some yam paste,
a girl came up to me,
a girl from a talent agency.
Thus I'm spotted again. :)
16 March 2006
New background
Anyway, is the new background nice?
The fox came from Japan.
26 February 2006
Happy Birthday!
I've got tests coming up one after another, screwed.
Someone got picked up last night, woo.
NOT the birthday boy though.
The crowd at Wala Wala was great in the end,
NOT at the start though.
Had a fun time taking photos during the intermissions.
NOT just boring poses though.
Yet I have to say I enjoyed Gage's birthday celebrations.
Happy Birthday! Gagey.
I might have tests aplenty, but i wouldn't have missed it.
NOT for anything in the world.
25 February 2006
2 years
If you think about, ten years isn't very long. It's not enough time.
There are two moments in my life where I remember learning important lessons about being married from my parents. One was when I asked my dad if he ever thought about divorcing my mother. Almost all of my friends had divorced parents, but it never seemed to be something I would have to worry about.
I remember them both laughing at the question.
Then I asked my dad, privately, if he still loved my mother as much as he did when he married her. And his answer surprised me. He told me that he didn't love my mother any longer. Certainly not in the sense that a young couple loves each other when they first meet. He told me that the feelings he had for my mother were greater than love. They were beyond love. At the time, I had no hopes of understanding what he meant.
When you love a woman wholly, and she loves you, it goes beyond mere sexual attraction or romantic infatuation. Over time, trials and tribulations you become intertwined. Like a Gordian knot. And I understand that now. I know what my dad meant.
The second lesson my parents taught me about being married was much harder to learn. I watched my father say goodbye to my mother. I saw him give her a final kiss and let her go. And I saw that 30 years was not enough time. I doubt that 100 years would have been enough.
There will never be enough time with Angela. As ten years blinking by can attest to. It feels as if we met a lifetime ago and at the same time it feels like we met yesterday. No matter how much time we have, it is inevitable that one day we will both feel cheated.
That's not to say that I'm sad today. Of course not. But I'm not giddy either. I find myself, ten years later, a content man of 35 who feels it would be irresponsible not to stop and smell the roses as deeply as possible.
I have a good life. It would be a sin not to properly cherish it.
Especially today.
From: PvPonline
I can understand how he feels, I can understand what he says. I've been worrying about what I'll do the day you leave me. But I now know that what I should do is not to worry about that day, but to cherish our time together. 2 years feels so long, yet it seems like just yesterday when I met you.
I'm sorry for giving you so much crap recently, but I just can't stand you not being around. Understand and forgive me?
19 February 2006
I lost my card holder yesterday, it held my IC, my matric card, my ezlink card. Yet I wasn't upset. But i know in my heart, that if I lost either my wallet or my ring, I'll never stop blaming myself. Simply because as of today, they've been with me for 1 year 17 days, simply because they remind me of you, simply because they were given to me by a person I love. I know you wouldn't blame me, but I will.
I cleared out my closet today, I saw the letters you wrote, the postcard you sent, the magazines you gave me, the box that held the ring that's on my left hand right now, the 99 cranes, the paper bag with my old wallet still inside. The photos of us.
After thinking for the whole afternoon, I came to the realization that the only thing I can't afford to lose is you.
17 February 2006
16 February 2006
Johari's window
Arena(known to self and others) complex, intelligent, knowledgable, logical | Blind Spot(known only to others) able, caring, cheerful, clever, confident, dependable, energetic, friendly, idealistic, independent, kind, mature, modest, proud, reflective, responsive, searching, self-assertive, self-conscious, sensible, sentimental, trustworthy, warm, witty |
Façade(known only to self) accepting | Unknown(known to nobody) adaptable, bold, brave, calm, dignified, extroverted, giving, happy, helpful, ingenious, introverted, loving, nervous, observant, organised, patient, powerful, quiet, relaxed, religious, shy, silly, spontaneous, sympathetic, tense, wise |
All Percentages
able (20%) accepting (0%) adaptable (0%) bold (0%) brave (0%) calm (0%) caring (20%) cheerful (10%) clever (10%) complex (30%) confident (30%) dependable (40%) dignified (0%) energetic (10%) extroverted (0%) friendly (30%) giving (0%) happy (0%) helpful (0%) idealistic (10%) independent (30%) ingenious (0%) intelligent (30%) introverted (0%) kind (10%) knowledgable (30%) logical (10%) loving (0%) mature (30%) modest (10%) nervous (0%) observant (0%) organised (0%) patient (0%) powerful (0%) proud (10%) quiet (0%) reflective (20%) relaxed (0%) religious (0%) responsive (10%) searching (20%) self-assertive (30%) self-conscious (20%) sensible (20%) sentimental (30%) shy (0%) silly (0%) spontaneous (0%) sympathetic (0%) tense (0%) trustworthy (20%) warm (10%) wise (0%) witty (30%)
You can make your own Johari Window, or view GarionNG's full data.
14 February 2006
11 February 2006
9 February 2006
8 February 2006
29 January 2006
23 January 2006
22 January 2006
Why was such an article stopped? It didn't promote racial disharmony, nor did it have insensitive remarks. And the writer seemed to have done her research, i.e. it is not made up.
Was it a cover up? One can only wonder.
Or was it because the article dealt with a sensitive issue? gays? But, I seem to remember homosexuals being mentioned in the papers last year. Or is it because the article is about how support is given by the government to a group that promotes self hatred (if you're gay).
Or how that the government is "unleashing" a Christian ideals based group onto the supposedly secular schools.
Hooray for Press Freedom in Singapore.