I was on the bus home today, and i decided to cook dinner for myself. Part of my save money, eat healthy plan. And as I was thinking, I started to think about how our future house would have a spice rack full of stuff like basil, oregano, etc. And I was definitely daydreaming as I thought of how you said that you'll learn how to cook chinese and japanese, and I can go ahead and learn western. And I remembered how I cooked dinner for you. And how you went, "Oh my gosh, I didn't know you could do this." From there I carried on to think about how I would love to surprise you by cooking dinner for you in the future.
Damn, I'm so domesticated.
Oh, here's a photo of what I cooked today. Doesn't look too good does it? It tasted alright though. It's chicken if you can't tell.

i wonder how a cat can ever be domesticated.
food looks good.
but arent men suppose to sit in front of the tv, reading newspapers?
i'm bored
Notice that I used the word "sometimes", it's not something I can or plan to do too regularly.
I'll cook for you guys when you guys have time. :)
This time round I'll make sure it's cooked.
i have already forgotten about THAT TIME
looks not too bad :)
those black things are mushrooms i presume?
Damn, I should have kept my mouth shut.
Yeah, they're mushrooms.
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