29 March 2007


I have a job! Finally. It's near home. I'm thinking it's a good thing, but something a friend said made me reconsider. "If you go to town, you'll be traveling away from home." Isn't that a depressing thought?

I just hope I'll be able to handle the job.
And since my workplace is so near, I'm planning to run home after work everyday.(or as often as I can). Now I'll start to look for a bag which will allow me to do that.

Someone said we're drifting apart. Honestly I feel that too. It has never been a problem that I'm doing Engineering and you're in Law, that you're bored when i talk about my work, that I'm bored when you talk about your work. It doesn't even matter that you're going to earn more than I am. (actually it does matter). Differences in opinion about religion didn't matter. (yet, it feels as though it'll matter soon). It doesn't matter that much that your parents hate me.( Although it probably should)

What am i trying to say? If I can't make it work with you, I think I'll just give up on finding the one for me.

On a brighter note, ran to kent ridge park yesterday evening. It was nice, it even has a tree top walk, however a certain Mr. J made us exit the park at Pasir Panjang road, near the PSA building, therefore extending the run for a good 15 minutes. But it felt good to run, to not think about my work, to not think about my life, to concentrate only on putting my foot correctly, listening only to my breathing. For an hour, I could just not think.

1 comment:

gageism said...

the last thing to make something black and white is love.
i know it's gets harder and harder to believe in love. But you guys got something.
Treasure you time together. Instead of wasting time of those thoughts.
What is meant to be, will be.

For good or for worse.

So why not enjoy the time you have together?
