And she did, with help from her sister.And in the end she looked even worse than she started out. And it didn't help that the bitch, Wilhelmina (Vanessa Williams)

She's not pretty, not in the show. But her taste in fashion could be improved. But then that's not the point of the show.
I can understand how she feels. To be ugly, fat and unwanted. But she's stronger than I am. She still loves herself. At one point in my life I hated myself. I'll keep asking myself, "Why am I so fat?" "Why isn't anything I do helping?". AND that is where all my insecurity stems from, my ugly and fat childhood. There'll be people who'll say that i wasn't ugly, just fat, but to some people, FAT is ugly.
I believe that beauty is subjective. What is attractive to me, might be repugnant to another. Some might think that I'm handsome, while others will think that I'm ugly. So, what's the point of this whole post, basically it's if you do not look good, dress good. if you look good, remember that looks might attract for the moment, but character is what will cause a person to stay by you forever.
Note: All photos are taken from www.abc.com and all copyrights belongs to them.
1 comment:
Without a strong anchor in our lives, we're just products of the society we live in. We simply echo our culture. I hope you've kinda resolved the issue of low self-worth. It was all in the past, and if you know the importance of character over appearance, try not to seek the approval of others so much.
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