...is starting in less than two weeks time. Not prepared.
Three whole months of playing and gallavanting around does not prepare you for the next semester.
Some people will say, "You should have taken the three months to prepare for the next semester's work."
The holidays are us to enjoy, or at the very least, suffer for money; it's not for us to prepare for the coming school term, balderdash. whoever uses their holidays in that way?
Here's looking forward to another semester of mugging and frantic note printing.
...finally realised that alcohol comes in forms more enjoyable (and less calorie filled) than beer. I have no idea why some people enjoy beer so much. Its not that bad, but there are better ways to get drunk.
Wine is the way to go, although you are essentially drinking fermented grape juice. But beer is also essentially fermented wheat extract. In my opinion, fermented grape juice beats fermented wheat extract anytime.
One thing about wine is that there so many varieties, can seriously confuse a budding new wine drinker. Whereas beer is almost all the same except for stout and branding.
... got two books from the library, one is on mythology and the other is on the connection between science and religion. I'm inclined to believe that when they say religion, they mean Christianity (and the related religions), slightly skeptical, but if he can convince me, he can convince almost anyone.

Personally i still find it amazing how the Church once imprisoned a person for his belief that the Earth was not the center of the universe, simply because the Church interpreted the "Holy scriptures" in such a way that placed the Earth at the centre of the universe. But now that it has become a fact, the modern interpratation is in line with the scientific fact. You have to note that I'm not slamming the Bible, i'm slamming the people who decides what the Bible means. This is to me a classic example of how mortal interpratations might be misguided, and what they assume to be the concrete truth might turn out to be a mistake.
references: Galileo
The other book is on mythology. Isn't it amazing that what was once considered a important stories of a major religion are now called myths?
Think about it, and you'll see why i am not religious.
...Bought a pair of black slippers today, yay. They're from quiksilver. I just realise that i'm the type of person who'll buy something if its reasonably priced and good, regardless of what shop it is from. I do not mind shopping in a place which my friends label as gay, i endured through an entire week of an irritating lecture mate who kept calling my favored footwear gay slippers. The most interesting thing is that the same friend has now bought a pair of slippers from the same shop. I know who i am, and i'm not worried about labels others placed on me. i've been labeled gay, dao(proud in hokkien), nerd. And i just shrug them off, it's what i am inside that matters, not what i look like.
...has to stop. Have been doing too much shopping lately. I keep finding stuff (clothes and non-clothes) that i like and look good in( applicable to clothes only.), but the lack of money prevents me from buying them. I wonder if there's any job that will pay well with little work involved, or where can i find a sugar mommy to pay for my expenses?
... been a bit bad lately, sorry to those who got the brunt of it this past week. especially sorry to you. (If you're reading this, you'll know i'm talking to you.)
...is a word that is easy to say, but difficult to acheive, no matter how understanding a person is, there are limits. I probably do not have that huge a limit, so forgive me for being tempermental last week. And thanks to those who listened to what i had to say.
i started blogging at 10.20pm, i ended at 12.30am. interuptions and the length of this post contrived to keep me up beyond my bedtime, hopefully tomorrow morning would be sunny and nice for tanning.
ck baby..
school's starting in two weeks?
u dont know anything bout school starting...
sob sob
doing event now.. tired......
Poor gagey wagey.
Take care okie?
Seeya soon.
o pls...mine started for a month already...u'll get the hang of it once started...and babe...wanna save money next time? trying going out without ur card or cash and do pure window shopping..that'll save u alot of trouble!haha
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