why can't my life be as interesting a sitcom?
A sitcom with witty diaglouge and gorgeous people.
29 July 2004
1 b and 2 kks
Today i had a record of one bun and two kit kats for the whole day.
Woke up to an empty house, mom was out, and since i wasn't feeling hungry
i decided to postpone lunch. I was suppose to meet someone later in the afternoon,
so i thought i'll grab something to eat then.
Alas, it was not to be, things came up, and we had to cancel.
Appetite went into hiding, didn't feel like thinking,
went to sleep, woke up feeling lousy, tired and resigned.
Woke up to an empty house, mom was out, and since i wasn't feeling hungry
i decided to postpone lunch. I was suppose to meet someone later in the afternoon,
so i thought i'll grab something to eat then.
Alas, it was not to be, things came up, and we had to cancel.
Appetite went into hiding, didn't feel like thinking,
went to sleep, woke up feeling lousy, tired and resigned.
Disappointment - The Cranberries
Disappointment you shouldn't have done
You couldn't have done
You wouldn't have done
the things you did there
And we could 've been happy
What a piteous thing, a hideous thing
was tainted by the rest
But it won't get any harder
And I hope you'll find your way again
But it won't get any higher
But it all boils down to what you did there
In the night we fight, I feel you're right
It was exactly thereI decided
and drew you out
In the night we fight, I feel you're right
It was exactly thereI decided
But it won't get any harder
And I hope you'll find your way again
But it won't get any higher
But it all boils down to what you did there
A relationship will work only if there are compromises between both party.
But the compromises should not come only when one party gets angry.
Compromises cannot come from one party only.
Compromises are something that is best when given freely, not when it is extorted.
Extorted compromises normally don't last.
But the compromises should not come only when one party gets angry.
Compromises cannot come from one party only.
Compromises are something that is best when given freely, not when it is extorted.
Extorted compromises normally don't last.
Looks, boobs & abs.
Looks matters.
Its a fact.
But you'll realise that looks can further be broken down into the face and the body.
If a person has the face but not the body, just cover up the body as much as possible.
With the body but not the face, expose as much of the body as legally possible.
Without the face nor body, two words, cosmetic surgery. actually make that three words, Major cosmetic surgery.
And finally, those with the body and the face, buy life insurance, since you'll most likely be the target of assasination by people belonging to the above three categories.
And truly finally, the delusional ones, those who belongs to the first three categories, but are convinced that they are actually in the fourth. Advice for this group? None, since no one will admit to belonging to this group anyway, but the rest of the world knows.
Think I'll go call my insurance agent now.
DISCLAIMER: The above post represents the view of the mind of Garion inc. In no way does it represent the actual views of Garion Inc. ( In actual fact, the abs are in depression, the biceps denial and the buttocks have locked themselves in their rooms.)
Its a fact.
But you'll realise that looks can further be broken down into the face and the body.
If a person has the face but not the body, just cover up the body as much as possible.
With the body but not the face, expose as much of the body as legally possible.
Without the face nor body, two words, cosmetic surgery. actually make that three words, Major cosmetic surgery.
And finally, those with the body and the face, buy life insurance, since you'll most likely be the target of assasination by people belonging to the above three categories.
And truly finally, the delusional ones, those who belongs to the first three categories, but are convinced that they are actually in the fourth. Advice for this group? None, since no one will admit to belonging to this group anyway, but the rest of the world knows.
Think I'll go call my insurance agent now.
DISCLAIMER: The above post represents the view of the mind of Garion inc. In no way does it represent the actual views of Garion Inc. ( In actual fact, the abs are in depression, the biceps denial and the buttocks have locked themselves in their rooms.)
26 July 2004
...is starting in less than two weeks time. Not prepared.
Three whole months of playing and gallavanting around does not prepare you for the next semester.
Some people will say, "You should have taken the three months to prepare for the next semester's work."
The holidays are us to enjoy, or at the very least, suffer for money; it's not for us to prepare for the coming school term, balderdash. whoever uses their holidays in that way?
Here's looking forward to another semester of mugging and frantic note printing.
...finally realised that alcohol comes in forms more enjoyable (and less calorie filled) than beer. I have no idea why some people enjoy beer so much. Its not that bad, but there are better ways to get drunk.
Wine is the way to go, although you are essentially drinking fermented grape juice. But beer is also essentially fermented wheat extract. In my opinion, fermented grape juice beats fermented wheat extract anytime.
One thing about wine is that there so many varieties, can seriously confuse a budding new wine drinker. Whereas beer is almost all the same except for stout and branding.
... got two books from the library, one is on mythology and the other is on the connection between science and religion. I'm inclined to believe that when they say religion, they mean Christianity (and the related religions), slightly skeptical, but if he can convince me, he can convince almost anyone.
Personally i still find it amazing how the Church once imprisoned a person for his belief that the Earth was not the center of the universe, simply because the Church interpreted the "Holy scriptures" in such a way that placed the Earth at the centre of the universe. But now that it has become a fact, the modern interpratation is in line with the scientific fact. You have to note that I'm not slamming the Bible, i'm slamming the people who decides what the Bible means. This is to me a classic example of how mortal interpratations might be misguided, and what they assume to be the concrete truth might turn out to be a mistake.
references: Galileo
The other book is on mythology. Isn't it amazing that what was once considered a important stories of a major religion are now called myths?
Think about it, and you'll see why i am not religious.
...Bought a pair of black slippers today, yay. They're from quiksilver. I just realise that i'm the type of person who'll buy something if its reasonably priced and good, regardless of what shop it is from. I do not mind shopping in a place which my friends label as gay, i endured through an entire week of an irritating lecture mate who kept calling my favored footwear gay slippers. The most interesting thing is that the same friend has now bought a pair of slippers from the same shop. I know who i am, and i'm not worried about labels others placed on me. i've been labeled gay, dao(proud in hokkien), nerd. And i just shrug them off, it's what i am inside that matters, not what i look like.
...has to stop. Have been doing too much shopping lately. I keep finding stuff (clothes and non-clothes) that i like and look good in( applicable to clothes only.), but the lack of money prevents me from buying them. I wonder if there's any job that will pay well with little work involved, or where can i find a sugar mommy to pay for my expenses?
... been a bit bad lately, sorry to those who got the brunt of it this past week. especially sorry to you. (If you're reading this, you'll know i'm talking to you.)
...is a word that is easy to say, but difficult to acheive, no matter how understanding a person is, there are limits. I probably do not have that huge a limit, so forgive me for being tempermental last week. And thanks to those who listened to what i had to say.
i started blogging at 10.20pm, i ended at 12.30am. interuptions and the length of this post contrived to keep me up beyond my bedtime, hopefully tomorrow morning would be sunny and nice for tanning.
...is starting in less than two weeks time. Not prepared.
Three whole months of playing and gallavanting around does not prepare you for the next semester.
Some people will say, "You should have taken the three months to prepare for the next semester's work."
The holidays are us to enjoy, or at the very least, suffer for money; it's not for us to prepare for the coming school term, balderdash. whoever uses their holidays in that way?
Here's looking forward to another semester of mugging and frantic note printing.
...finally realised that alcohol comes in forms more enjoyable (and less calorie filled) than beer. I have no idea why some people enjoy beer so much. Its not that bad, but there are better ways to get drunk.
Wine is the way to go, although you are essentially drinking fermented grape juice. But beer is also essentially fermented wheat extract. In my opinion, fermented grape juice beats fermented wheat extract anytime.
One thing about wine is that there so many varieties, can seriously confuse a budding new wine drinker. Whereas beer is almost all the same except for stout and branding.
... got two books from the library, one is on mythology and the other is on the connection between science and religion. I'm inclined to believe that when they say religion, they mean Christianity (and the related religions), slightly skeptical, but if he can convince me, he can convince almost anyone.

Personally i still find it amazing how the Church once imprisoned a person for his belief that the Earth was not the center of the universe, simply because the Church interpreted the "Holy scriptures" in such a way that placed the Earth at the centre of the universe. But now that it has become a fact, the modern interpratation is in line with the scientific fact. You have to note that I'm not slamming the Bible, i'm slamming the people who decides what the Bible means. This is to me a classic example of how mortal interpratations might be misguided, and what they assume to be the concrete truth might turn out to be a mistake.
references: Galileo
The other book is on mythology. Isn't it amazing that what was once considered a important stories of a major religion are now called myths?
Think about it, and you'll see why i am not religious.
...Bought a pair of black slippers today, yay. They're from quiksilver. I just realise that i'm the type of person who'll buy something if its reasonably priced and good, regardless of what shop it is from. I do not mind shopping in a place which my friends label as gay, i endured through an entire week of an irritating lecture mate who kept calling my favored footwear gay slippers. The most interesting thing is that the same friend has now bought a pair of slippers from the same shop. I know who i am, and i'm not worried about labels others placed on me. i've been labeled gay, dao(proud in hokkien), nerd. And i just shrug them off, it's what i am inside that matters, not what i look like.
...has to stop. Have been doing too much shopping lately. I keep finding stuff (clothes and non-clothes) that i like and look good in( applicable to clothes only.), but the lack of money prevents me from buying them. I wonder if there's any job that will pay well with little work involved, or where can i find a sugar mommy to pay for my expenses?
... been a bit bad lately, sorry to those who got the brunt of it this past week. especially sorry to you. (If you're reading this, you'll know i'm talking to you.)
...is a word that is easy to say, but difficult to acheive, no matter how understanding a person is, there are limits. I probably do not have that huge a limit, so forgive me for being tempermental last week. And thanks to those who listened to what i had to say.
i started blogging at 10.20pm, i ended at 12.30am. interuptions and the length of this post contrived to keep me up beyond my bedtime, hopefully tomorrow morning would be sunny and nice for tanning.
21 July 2004
Lonliness is a state of mind.
You can be with friends and still feel alone.
You can be by yourself and not feel alone.
Not everyone will understand.
There are those who are blessed,
with the ability not to feel lonely.
I hate those people.
You can be with friends and still feel alone.
You can be by yourself and not feel alone.
Not everyone will understand.
There are those who are blessed,
with the ability not to feel lonely.
I hate those people.
20 July 2004
Wildlife guide.
Common name: The Green Eyed Monster
Description: There are two sub species of the Green Eyed Monster. Feeline jealos and Feeline envios. They are similar with slight differences in the way they behave.
Scientific name: Feeline Jealos
Description: A predator that preys upon the insecure heart usually a heart that is in the condition described as "love". It sucks the happiness out of the victim, leaving the prey feeling unhappy and miserable. Can be warded off with affirming words and attention.
Scientific name: Feeline Envios
Description: A predator that preys upon the insecure or greedy heart. Similarly it leaves the victim feeling miserable and unhappy, and a sense of wanting too. Can be warded off by the following means: material provision; counselling; enlightenment.
Description: There are two sub species of the Green Eyed Monster. Feeline jealos and Feeline envios. They are similar with slight differences in the way they behave.
Scientific name: Feeline Jealos
Description: A predator that preys upon the insecure heart usually a heart that is in the condition described as "love". It sucks the happiness out of the victim, leaving the prey feeling unhappy and miserable. Can be warded off with affirming words and attention.
Scientific name: Feeline Envios
Description: A predator that preys upon the insecure or greedy heart. Similarly it leaves the victim feeling miserable and unhappy, and a sense of wanting too. Can be warded off by the following means: material provision; counselling; enlightenment.
17 July 2004
Quite a few words start with the letters d, i, s. But my favourite two words are dislike and disappointments. And they will work best for me when used to together, e.g.:
dislikes disappointment.
Imagine something that you have been anticipating eagerly, but at the very last moment the thing was cancelled, and you were the one who asked to cancelled it. For it was obvious that the other person felt that something else was more important. So you being the magnanimous one, cancels the thing, so that the other person can do the more important thing. Its probably the worst kind of disappointment.
Disappointment which you inflict on yourself to make others happy. What's worse is the shattering of the hope that they would reject your cancellation (essentially saying that you are more important.), reaffirming your standing in their eyes.
The simple fact that this post exists means one thing, I'm disappointed. Couldn't sleep for the thoughts running through my head, maybe writing this down would help, and i'll be able to sleep.
dislikes disappointment.
Imagine something that you have been anticipating eagerly, but at the very last moment the thing was cancelled, and you were the one who asked to cancelled it. For it was obvious that the other person felt that something else was more important. So you being the magnanimous one, cancels the thing, so that the other person can do the more important thing. Its probably the worst kind of disappointment.
Disappointment which you inflict on yourself to make others happy. What's worse is the shattering of the hope that they would reject your cancellation (essentially saying that you are more important.), reaffirming your standing in their eyes.
The simple fact that this post exists means one thing, I'm disappointed. Couldn't sleep for the thoughts running through my head, maybe writing this down would help, and i'll be able to sleep.
12 July 2004
Great Day
i had a great day today. It began perfectly normal. I woke up, snoozed my alarm clock, and went back to sleep, and snoozed and slept till noon. And i woke up to the sound of my nephew giggling happily in the living room. So i got up, went into the living room (it was on the way to the loo), and saw him standing at the coffee table looking at the tv (note that i said looking and not watching.); the moment he saw me, he froze, covered his eyes with his hands (i was decently dressed).
Now for a little digression, am i that scary? I tried smiling, making funny faces, cajoling, even bribing (if my brother asks, it never happened.) But he just wouldn't smile or be friendly to me. I guess it must be the uncle aura that runs in my family, for we (siblings and cousins) used to be terrified of my uncle. My memories are a little fuzzy, but i knew i was terrified by him. (i still am, a little, but if people ask, i'm not.)
And it was naptime for him when i woke up, so no chance to play with him, not that he would have played with me. Heard that my sister-in-law had a little disagreement with my mum, glad that i'm not my brother.
I was supposed to meet someone important today, but the person cancelled at the last minute, RELIEF. Laughs, amazing how nervous a person can get when you have to meet someone important, simply because the person is important to someone whose important to you. For example: meeting the best friends of your girlfriend/boyfriend; meeting the parents; etcetra.
So i hanged out with someone else instead, had dinner at a place called "fisherman's village." Uber cool, it's by the beach. SO, fans and air-conditioning stand one side, sea breeze is the ultimate when it comes to dining in cool comfort. It was great to just enjoy the breeze, food is optional. reminded me of Redang. *sigh*
Played at the play-ground near the place. and the play-ground was uber cool too. IT had the WORKS. and it had this spinning disc thingy that resulted in a feeling of wooziness after taking a spin (literally) on it.
The best part was at the end, when we decided to pop into coffee bean to chill. We saw that the cakes were having a 20 percent discount so we decided to order a cake. Then we decided to get a drink, but the drinks that we wanted were all not available( out of the powder was the reason), so we settled for a tea latte instead. And here comes the good part, we got two slices of cake for the price of one(don't forget the discount) next we a regular drink at the price of a small drink. wow. wasn't that nice?
The cake was a cheese cake. it had three types of cheese cake in it, regular, mocha and oreo. Wow, it was nice. but one slice was probably more than enough, because we were unable to finish everything. What a waste. It's probably what they mean when they say, "too much of a good thing.".
Now for a little digression, am i that scary? I tried smiling, making funny faces, cajoling, even bribing (if my brother asks, it never happened.) But he just wouldn't smile or be friendly to me. I guess it must be the uncle aura that runs in my family, for we (siblings and cousins) used to be terrified of my uncle. My memories are a little fuzzy, but i knew i was terrified by him. (i still am, a little, but if people ask, i'm not.)
And it was naptime for him when i woke up, so no chance to play with him, not that he would have played with me. Heard that my sister-in-law had a little disagreement with my mum, glad that i'm not my brother.
I was supposed to meet someone important today, but the person cancelled at the last minute, RELIEF. Laughs, amazing how nervous a person can get when you have to meet someone important, simply because the person is important to someone whose important to you. For example: meeting the best friends of your girlfriend/boyfriend; meeting the parents; etcetra.
So i hanged out with someone else instead, had dinner at a place called "fisherman's village." Uber cool, it's by the beach. SO, fans and air-conditioning stand one side, sea breeze is the ultimate when it comes to dining in cool comfort. It was great to just enjoy the breeze, food is optional. reminded me of Redang. *sigh*
Played at the play-ground near the place. and the play-ground was uber cool too. IT had the WORKS. and it had this spinning disc thingy that resulted in a feeling of wooziness after taking a spin (literally) on it.
The best part was at the end, when we decided to pop into coffee bean to chill. We saw that the cakes were having a 20 percent discount so we decided to order a cake. Then we decided to get a drink, but the drinks that we wanted were all not available( out of the powder was the reason), so we settled for a tea latte instead. And here comes the good part, we got two slices of cake for the price of one(don't forget the discount) next we a regular drink at the price of a small drink. wow. wasn't that nice?
The cake was a cheese cake. it had three types of cheese cake in it, regular, mocha and oreo. Wow, it was nice. but one slice was probably more than enough, because we were unable to finish everything. What a waste. It's probably what they mean when they say, "too much of a good thing.".
7 July 2004
Burnt, Sun Burnt.
That sounded like a cheap rip-off of "Bond, James Bond"; wait, it is a cheap rip-off. Went swimming today, pool was crowded (irritating), deck chairs all taken. I guess this will happen when the sun finally decides to show itself after two days of absence. I swam a little, and i was quick to scamper out of the pool when i noticed an empty deckchair. But i only spent an hour tanning, since the Sun was very strong, and i didn't want to get too crisp.
I've finally decided to learn more about wines, an interest that i've never bothered to follow up on. Now I hope to at least know the difference between a Chardonnay and a Sauvignon. However it's an interest that will not be actively pursued in the near future; the cost of a bottle of fine wine is enough to set me back at least a week's pay(when i start working that is.) looks like i have to stick to the bargain wines for the time being.
Was at Taka, they have this wine shop in the basement, when i saw this set of silver(?) corkscrew and stopper set. It would have been cool if the head of the stoppers were nicer. The heads were literally heads of certain animals moulded out of metal. SO ugly.
I said something when we were walking around, and my fren suggested that i make it a post. So here it is:
The story behind that remark is that we were walking around the Korean food stalls in the basement, and the food stores were being manned by Koreans. Next we passed by a stall selling Korean tea (its not that nice, as my friend put it, it taste like jam mixed with water) and the promoters were all pretty young things. So my friend commented that they are all quite pretty. And the line just came out of my mouth. Unintentional but true nontheless.
Do not tell me that looks are not important, they are; and i'm justified in trying to look better, since i do not have the smarts, i'll have to try depending on my looks. So it's not being vain, it's a form of investment.
I've finally decided to learn more about wines, an interest that i've never bothered to follow up on. Now I hope to at least know the difference between a Chardonnay and a Sauvignon. However it's an interest that will not be actively pursued in the near future; the cost of a bottle of fine wine is enough to set me back at least a week's pay(when i start working that is.) looks like i have to stick to the bargain wines for the time being.
Was at Taka, they have this wine shop in the basement, when i saw this set of silver(?) corkscrew and stopper set. It would have been cool if the head of the stoppers were nicer. The heads were literally heads of certain animals moulded out of metal. SO ugly.
I said something when we were walking around, and my fren suggested that i make it a post. So here it is:
they either hire authentic or pretty.
The story behind that remark is that we were walking around the Korean food stalls in the basement, and the food stores were being manned by Koreans. Next we passed by a stall selling Korean tea (its not that nice, as my friend put it, it taste like jam mixed with water) and the promoters were all pretty young things. So my friend commented that they are all quite pretty. And the line just came out of my mouth. Unintentional but true nontheless.
Do not tell me that looks are not important, they are; and i'm justified in trying to look better, since i do not have the smarts, i'll have to try depending on my looks. So it's not being vain, it's a form of investment.
As should be obvious by now, this is going to be a whine about wine. I feel like drinking. Wine to be exact. Just realised that 7-eleven does sell wine; in small bottles and costing approximately six bucks each. Yes, i went there to take a look at booze -ah, the convinience of having a convinience store nearby-, was thinking of getting a drink, but thought better of it. Nothing is worse than drinking alone. So i brought green(grin) tea instead. I still feel like drinking; eventhough i do not have a good head for liquer; but isn't that better? I can get drunk without having to drink alot. Yeah!!! Hooray for being a bad drinker.
6 July 2004
Been in a grouchy mood the pass two days. Got me to start thinking as to why a person can get grouchy? And after extensive thought - all five minutes-, I've decided it might be due to:
1. Not enough exercise.
2. Financial problems.
3. Relationship problems.
4. Missing someone.
5. Boredom.
6. Not getting enough...
7. PMS -this applies only to a select denographics-
8. Arguements
I know that this list is not exhaustive; but it is all i could think of.
1. Not enough exercise.
2. Financial problems.
3. Relationship problems.
4. Missing someone.
5. Boredom.
6. Not getting enough...
7. PMS -this applies only to a select denographics-
8. Arguements
I know that this list is not exhaustive; but it is all i could think of.
1 July 2004
Newest member....
...of the Ng family.
Went down to Thompson Medical center to see the her and her mum. She was sleepy when i got there, don't really know what to do, because i'm helpless with new born babies, for they look so tiny and fragile, and i'll freak the moment they start to cry, another reason why i should never attempt fatherhood.
Got to see the little rascal, still as naughty as ever. He was running in and out of the room getting the brochures for his mommy, despite the fact that his mom didn't want anymore brochure, for he was doing that the whole of yesterday from what i hear.
The moment i got into the room, he just stared at me, like i'm a monster. haha. the he start to back away, but i chased after him and within moments he was smiling again.
He never ceases to amaze me with his ability to learn. His aunt (on the mother side) gave him a cracker to eat, and they were all like asking him to share, initially i thought he wouldn't (since IT is food), but he willingly offered to the cracker to anyone who wanted it. Then my mom (his grandma) wanted to see what it taste like, so she ask whether she can take a piece, and she proceeded to break off a small corner. when my mum asked him whether he could give ah ma, he tried to break off a corner instead of offering the whole cracker. Although the cracker he gave was nothing mre than crumbs, the fact is that he is willing to share. hee....

Went down to Thompson Medical center to see the her and her mum. She was sleepy when i got there, don't really know what to do, because i'm helpless with new born babies, for they look so tiny and fragile, and i'll freak the moment they start to cry, another reason why i should never attempt fatherhood.
Got to see the little rascal, still as naughty as ever. He was running in and out of the room getting the brochures for his mommy, despite the fact that his mom didn't want anymore brochure, for he was doing that the whole of yesterday from what i hear.
The moment i got into the room, he just stared at me, like i'm a monster. haha. the he start to back away, but i chased after him and within moments he was smiling again.
He never ceases to amaze me with his ability to learn. His aunt (on the mother side) gave him a cracker to eat, and they were all like asking him to share, initially i thought he wouldn't (since IT is food), but he willingly offered to the cracker to anyone who wanted it. Then my mom (his grandma) wanted to see what it taste like, so she ask whether she can take a piece, and she proceeded to break off a small corner. when my mum asked him whether he could give ah ma, he tried to break off a corner instead of offering the whole cracker. Although the cracker he gave was nothing mre than crumbs, the fact is that he is willing to share. hee....
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