I finally got to watch "shrek 2". It has been a lot time since i had such a good laugh. Especially Puss in boots, he really cracks me up. With his over the top ass-licking (and kicking) and puppy dog eyes, and the accent, which señor/señora can resist? Not an ogre that's for sure.
Oh, back to acceptance. What has the show got to do with acceptance? The show shows a form of acceptance that is all embracing. How else would a princess be able to accept an ogre as a husband? And for the King and Queen to show acceptance for them, and for the Queen to accept the King even though he's a frog. And what's the underlying reason for all this acceptance? Love. Sigh, but can love truly conquer all?

American Idol is coming to an end. And it's a show down between Fantasia and Diana. Personally i think if Latoya is in the finals, it would be a much much easy choice. For me at least.
Acceptance in American Idol is a strange and whimsical thing. Note: i equate votes for the contestants as acceptance by the American voters. I mean, talented and beautiful, yet Latoya still got voted off. Fat lips and fat tummy got into the finals, they have the talent, but isn't an idol suppose to be someone you aspire to? So shouldn't they at least look good? And you can tell that i'm not the only one who thinks this way in Singapore, from the smses running at the bottom of the screen (yes, i read them, and i find them interesting.). There are messages who put down one contestant in support of the other. Interesting, so you are supporting Diana because Fantasia looks like a "duck", and you're supporting Fantasia because Diana is "loud and screechy"?
To be fair there are those who try to be politically correct and say that they support because she has a great voice, or that she's a good performer. Yah right, if they made it there, they have the talent. DUH.
::Fantasia won. She's the new American Idol.::
Yup, i started typing during the show, and the results came out as i was typing.
Sidenote: but it is also interesting to see the amount of people who use the text message system as a way to express their love, and those who are so obviously ass licking to try and win the vouchers. The things people will do.
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