2 May 2005


Can't remember where I heard/read this from.
It is a story about a guy who was asked to go into a jungle.
This jungle is famous for its beautiful blooms.
The guy was supposed to pick only the most beautiful one he saw.

Soon, he came upon a beautiful flower,
yet he hesitated, thinking:
"What if there is a more beautiful flower ahead?"

Next he came upon the most beautiful rose he had ever seen,
but he was still hesitatant, thinking:
"the next one might be better."

Walking along, he chanced upon a dazzling orchid.
Still he hesitated, thinking:
"it's not quite perfect."

This went on and on, and he was out of the jungle,
without a single flower.

The moral of the story?
If you seek perfection, you might just end up with nothing.
It's the same for love,
it's the same for life.
If you keep looking, you';; never be satisfied.

(this story belongs to the original author, whoever he/she might be. Give me a note if you're the author, so i can credit you for it. :) )

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