Saw this on a fren's blog.
Decides to blog about masturbation
First off a poll,
My vote is a maybe. Masturbation can be treated as something positive if done correctly, if a man with a pregnant wife (in the stage where she doesn't feel like sex) needs release, i'm inclined to think that it'll be better for the guy to seek release by hand rather than from another person.
Masturbation is now medically proven to be non-detrimental to health, infact it is beneficial to health, both mental and physical. Apparently, some studies have shown that man who masutrbates regularly has a lessen chance of getting prostrate cancer, i do not profess to know the reason behind it, nor the credibility of it. Yet is sounds reasonable, you spem delivery system probably needs a release once in a while in order to cleanse the system. And for those unlucky soul who has yet to find a soul partner, they probably have to rely on their hands for release.
It is also a form of release? If you ask me to choose between prostitution and masturbation, I'll definitely take masturbation as a lesser evil ( if evil it is.)
But the maybe comes in when masturbation becomes an addiction, or compulsion. When a person needs to masturbate so badly that it feels like a addiction, there's where it becomes bad. But as with all things, moderation is the key.
I never really understood the vilification of something so benign, (provided it is done in private) it feels weird to me that certain religions associate it with sexual misconduct ( it might be sexual in nature, but i do not see the misconduct anywhere). If people where to treat it as something natural, and that sex is not really something to be ashamed of, perhaps the Procreate Singapore campaign might succeed. It falls in with religious view that sex is taboo.
For if sex is not enjoyable, sex would be for the sake of sole procreation. I wonder how low the birth rates will plunge if that happens.
If we were not meant to enjoy sex, He would have made us that way, unless you want to explain it as His way of testing us, then I would have nothing to say.
And therefore i state that anyone who believes in the above statement, believes in the world different;y from i do, and i seek not to convert, for i hate someone who'll try that with me.
On this sour note, i'll stop, before i carry on and say something truly offensive.
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