The most wonderful thing to ever happen to you has been offered her dream another city far far away.
And she probably won't be coming back anytime soon.
You have commitments that roots you to where you are right now.
And you are struggling just to make ends meet, so frequent trips to visit her is out of the question.
She wants to make you happy so she decides to decline the offer,
Would you:
a) speak up and agree to her decision not to take up the job offer.
b) keep silent thus indirectly agreeing with her decision, even though you know how much the decision costs her.
c) encourage her to take up the job, even though everyday without her will be miserable for you.
I wish that i can be sure that I would choose c) if it ever happens to me, but i'm afraid i will not be strong enough.
29 September 2004
Spent the whole afternoon working on my electronics project. Was wiring it up, fun but a little streneous on the eyes. Managed to get half the circuit up.
Read Gage's blog.
Life shouldn't be so gloomy yet it is.
Starting anew is something so easy yet so difficult.
Worthless memories should be forgotten yet they remain..
Genuine Friendship should be cherished yet they are not.
We should enjoy the present, yet we wallow in the past.
I resolve to leave it all behind, yet i dare not.
I should be true to myself, yet i cannot.
On a brighter note: I had a great Mid-autumn Festival. Thanks to Ja.
I knew i wasn't the best of company, but i had stuff on my mind.
And one more line.
Love should be simple yet it is not.
Love should be mutual yet it might not.
Read Gage's blog.
Life shouldn't be so gloomy yet it is.
Starting anew is something so easy yet so difficult.
Worthless memories should be forgotten yet they remain..
Genuine Friendship should be cherished yet they are not.
We should enjoy the present, yet we wallow in the past.
I resolve to leave it all behind, yet i dare not.
I should be true to myself, yet i cannot.
On a brighter note: I had a great Mid-autumn Festival. Thanks to Ja.
I knew i wasn't the best of company, but i had stuff on my mind.
And one more line.
Love should be simple yet it is not.
Love should be mutual yet it might not.
28 September 2004
25 September 2004
Did something weird today.
I was walking home from the MRT station and there was this indian kid walking towards me. He was carrying a Mcdonalds' plastic bag. As he walked, the empty fries package fell out from the bag, and it was loud and obvious, the kid just hurried off, not caring or pretending not to care. I walked over and picked up the package and disposed of it in the nearest trash bin. As i walked home, i noticed more trash on the floor, honestly it was quite demoralising, to realise that are still Singaporeans who could not care less where they dispose of their garbage.
I wasn't angry at them, just diasppointed. I was more angry with myself, because other than the fries packet, I chose not to pick up the rest of the trash, citing the lame reason that they might be dirty. And that i didn't speak up to make the Rubbishes pick up their own trash.
I was walking home from the MRT station and there was this indian kid walking towards me. He was carrying a Mcdonalds' plastic bag. As he walked, the empty fries package fell out from the bag, and it was loud and obvious, the kid just hurried off, not caring or pretending not to care. I walked over and picked up the package and disposed of it in the nearest trash bin. As i walked home, i noticed more trash on the floor, honestly it was quite demoralising, to realise that are still Singaporeans who could not care less where they dispose of their garbage.
I wasn't angry at them, just diasppointed. I was more angry with myself, because other than the fries packet, I chose not to pick up the rest of the trash, citing the lame reason that they might be dirty. And that i didn't speak up to make the Rubbishes pick up their own trash.
23 September 2004
21 September 2004
A break in the middle of the semester is not necessarily a good thing. I'm serving my mid-term break now, technically its a break, but the amount of work plus the number of mid-term tests the week after this makes it a non-relaxable break.
I know i should be revising, but i don't know where to start. at least untill someone can tell me whether i should use a 74163 or a 74193 or a 74191. Sigh.
I know i should be revising, but i don't know where to start. at least untill someone can tell me whether i should use a 74163 or a 74193 or a 74191. Sigh.
20 September 2004
Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Friday was sucky,
Saturday was great,
Sunday was fun.
Friday was the deadline for my C++ programming assignment, now i understand why they call the submission date deadline, because you are likely to be half dead when you submit your assignment. I failed that assignment. I swear that for the next assigment, I'll start work on it as soon as i get the question, not caring if I look like an ultra nerd to the rest of the world.
Saturday morning was normal, went to give lessons in Hougang. Had a restless Friday night, so i was half zombiefied when i went for the lessons. The afternoon was better, we went to the Ottoman Empire Exhibition held at the Asian Civilization Museum. It was interesting, although we managed to finish the Ottoman Empire Exhibition, there were still many other exhibitions that we did not have time to finish viewing.
Sunday was a day for slacking around. Started the day late, went to meet Sze they all for lunch, made a trip down to Sim Lim Square all because Hui needed to get a printer. Six person to accompany her to get a printer. Oh well, it was fun anyway. Realised that except for me and Hui, the rest of them do not eat innards, think it'll be a good idea for me to cut back on them, since they are high in cholestrol and fats.
Saturday was great,
Sunday was fun.
Friday was the deadline for my C++ programming assignment, now i understand why they call the submission date deadline, because you are likely to be half dead when you submit your assignment. I failed that assignment. I swear that for the next assigment, I'll start work on it as soon as i get the question, not caring if I look like an ultra nerd to the rest of the world.
Saturday morning was normal, went to give lessons in Hougang. Had a restless Friday night, so i was half zombiefied when i went for the lessons. The afternoon was better, we went to the Ottoman Empire Exhibition held at the Asian Civilization Museum. It was interesting, although we managed to finish the Ottoman Empire Exhibition, there were still many other exhibitions that we did not have time to finish viewing.
Sunday was a day for slacking around. Started the day late, went to meet Sze they all for lunch, made a trip down to Sim Lim Square all because Hui needed to get a printer. Six person to accompany her to get a printer. Oh well, it was fun anyway. Realised that except for me and Hui, the rest of them do not eat innards, think it'll be a good idea for me to cut back on them, since they are high in cholestrol and fats.
13 September 2004
For once, i understand what signals lecture is about.
Yippee. Finally. the lecturer is a bit slow though, and a tad bit too long winded, therefore i'm now online doing my own stuff.
Hee, looks like a good start for my week.
First, i had a focasia cheese and ham sandwich. Someone made it for me. Happy!!!
Next i went to school, for my project discussion, we managed to get a lot of work done, and it was fun, because we're starting to plan for the filming. It alll sounds pretty interesting at this point in time, hopefully my enthusiam will carry through.
Next was my management tutorial. i realise that i'm highly disagreeable but highly open to new ideas type of person. For the tutorial, we were split into 4 groups, and i was in cranberry, hee, my favorite band's name. My group was made up of people of my type as in highly disagreeable but highly open to new ideas. It was suppose to be an experiment as the different personalities are supposed to show in our group discussions. However, the hypothesis were all proven false, i think the main reason is that we were just thrown together with strangers for an unimportant task. How strongly would you argue if you do not really mind how the discussion turns out? And since we're mostly exposed to Asian Culture, we tend to err on the side of caution, and be polite and submerge our true character. So when my tutor said that the hypothesis have been overturned is hardly correct, it would have been more correct if she had said that the experiment had failed. For it has.
AND she ended the lesson early. which in turn gave me time to reach my japanese tutorial early. Even earlier than Satoi sensei. It was seriously a laugh a minute session. It got more interesting as everyone started to understand japanese better. It was fun, with conversation ranging from movies, to taking photos, to smoking, to girlfriends, to Mcdonalds. It was fun, learned a lot today. Had lots of fun, beginning to understand japanese better, as long as they speak slowly.
Following that, i rushed back to Engineering Faculty for my next lecture, it is a Signals lecture, and that is where i'm blogging rite now, for the lecturer is doing a lot of explanation, and i already understand, for i managed to read up the notes before i came for the lecture. And now i'm blogging while waiting for him to get to the point where i do not understand. but it seems that is not possible, guess he'll end the lecture at the point where i stopped reading.
Still have another project discussion after the lecture, different project this time round, its about statistics now. I wonder what we have to do for it. I only know that its something about Lexus SUV and Honda SUV.
Yippee. Finally. the lecturer is a bit slow though, and a tad bit too long winded, therefore i'm now online doing my own stuff.
Hee, looks like a good start for my week.
First, i had a focasia cheese and ham sandwich. Someone made it for me. Happy!!!
Next i went to school, for my project discussion, we managed to get a lot of work done, and it was fun, because we're starting to plan for the filming. It alll sounds pretty interesting at this point in time, hopefully my enthusiam will carry through.
Next was my management tutorial. i realise that i'm highly disagreeable but highly open to new ideas type of person. For the tutorial, we were split into 4 groups, and i was in cranberry, hee, my favorite band's name. My group was made up of people of my type as in highly disagreeable but highly open to new ideas. It was suppose to be an experiment as the different personalities are supposed to show in our group discussions. However, the hypothesis were all proven false, i think the main reason is that we were just thrown together with strangers for an unimportant task. How strongly would you argue if you do not really mind how the discussion turns out? And since we're mostly exposed to Asian Culture, we tend to err on the side of caution, and be polite and submerge our true character. So when my tutor said that the hypothesis have been overturned is hardly correct, it would have been more correct if she had said that the experiment had failed. For it has.
AND she ended the lesson early. which in turn gave me time to reach my japanese tutorial early. Even earlier than Satoi sensei. It was seriously a laugh a minute session. It got more interesting as everyone started to understand japanese better. It was fun, with conversation ranging from movies, to taking photos, to smoking, to girlfriends, to Mcdonalds. It was fun, learned a lot today. Had lots of fun, beginning to understand japanese better, as long as they speak slowly.
Following that, i rushed back to Engineering Faculty for my next lecture, it is a Signals lecture, and that is where i'm blogging rite now, for the lecturer is doing a lot of explanation, and i already understand, for i managed to read up the notes before i came for the lecture. And now i'm blogging while waiting for him to get to the point where i do not understand. but it seems that is not possible, guess he'll end the lecture at the point where i stopped reading.
Still have another project discussion after the lecture, different project this time round, its about statistics now. I wonder what we have to do for it. I only know that its something about Lexus SUV and Honda SUV.
10 September 2004
In Equality? inequality?
It was not so long ago that female magazines were advocating femal independence, equality and demands that the modern woman stand up to men and say " we're equals." Yet at the very same time, the same magazines had articles that boasted tiltles such as " how to seduce your man", "Mould your man to be your dream man" or "SNAGs, love them or hate them?". It never really made sense to me. It seems that all this talk about sexual equality is just that, talk.
And recently, i managed to get my hand on a copy of the monthly magazine of a certain university in Singapore. There was this article in it in which a young lady said somthing akin to - to hell with equality, i wanna be treated like a lady- and the very next night i had a conversation with a close girl friend, and i realised that she expects guys to ask her out, and not the other way round. It reminded me how "equal" we really are. There are ladies who really believe in equality, they do their best to show that they are equal to guys in all aspect, but the majority probably don't give serious thought when they talk about female rights. They are probably talking about it simply because it is a hot topic and that women are just inherently more bit... erhem, vocal than guys.
Just think about it, what sort of message is being sent when they start talking about gender equality yet still expect guys to make the first move. If we're equal, shouldn't they make the first move more often? Asking someone out for a date is never easy, ( at least not to me.) i worry about whether she will agree, and if she agrees does she mean anything, if she says she's busy is she really busy or is it just a nice way to reject me. And when they agree, you have to worry about making a good impression.
To wait for someone to ask you for a date can be just as bad, although you don't have to deal with the possibilty of rejection, you'll worry about how to reject someone tactfully, or how not to show that you're desperate, or when you wait and wait but you don't get asked, or the wrong person asks you out.
Honestly, i find it confusing, and detering, when we see a damsel in distress, should we help and risk being given the look that says (what is this perv up to) or ignore and get the look that says ( Singaporean Men! ) sigh, when will women make up their minds? In the mean time, i'll risk being given the perv look by ladies.
And recently, i managed to get my hand on a copy of the monthly magazine of a certain university in Singapore. There was this article in it in which a young lady said somthing akin to - to hell with equality, i wanna be treated like a lady- and the very next night i had a conversation with a close girl friend, and i realised that she expects guys to ask her out, and not the other way round. It reminded me how "equal" we really are. There are ladies who really believe in equality, they do their best to show that they are equal to guys in all aspect, but the majority probably don't give serious thought when they talk about female rights. They are probably talking about it simply because it is a hot topic and that women are just inherently more bit... erhem, vocal than guys.
Just think about it, what sort of message is being sent when they start talking about gender equality yet still expect guys to make the first move. If we're equal, shouldn't they make the first move more often? Asking someone out for a date is never easy, ( at least not to me.) i worry about whether she will agree, and if she agrees does she mean anything, if she says she's busy is she really busy or is it just a nice way to reject me. And when they agree, you have to worry about making a good impression.
To wait for someone to ask you for a date can be just as bad, although you don't have to deal with the possibilty of rejection, you'll worry about how to reject someone tactfully, or how not to show that you're desperate, or when you wait and wait but you don't get asked, or the wrong person asks you out.
Honestly, i find it confusing, and detering, when we see a damsel in distress, should we help and risk being given the look that says (what is this perv up to) or ignore and get the look that says ( Singaporean Men! ) sigh, when will women make up their minds? In the mean time, i'll risk being given the perv look by ladies.
9 September 2004
7 September 2004
I'm thinking that the worse thing that can happen to an aspiring star (star, not actor) is that no one knows him/her.
So sad eh?
So sad eh?
5 September 2004

Saw this on a fren's blog.
Decides to blog about masturbation
First off a poll,
My vote is a maybe. Masturbation can be treated as something positive if done correctly, if a man with a pregnant wife (in the stage where she doesn't feel like sex) needs release, i'm inclined to think that it'll be better for the guy to seek release by hand rather than from another person.
Masturbation is now medically proven to be non-detrimental to health, infact it is beneficial to health, both mental and physical. Apparently, some studies have shown that man who masutrbates regularly has a lessen chance of getting prostrate cancer, i do not profess to know the reason behind it, nor the credibility of it. Yet is sounds reasonable, you spem delivery system probably needs a release once in a while in order to cleanse the system. And for those unlucky soul who has yet to find a soul partner, they probably have to rely on their hands for release.
It is also a form of release? If you ask me to choose between prostitution and masturbation, I'll definitely take masturbation as a lesser evil ( if evil it is.)
But the maybe comes in when masturbation becomes an addiction, or compulsion. When a person needs to masturbate so badly that it feels like a addiction, there's where it becomes bad. But as with all things, moderation is the key.
I never really understood the vilification of something so benign, (provided it is done in private) it feels weird to me that certain religions associate it with sexual misconduct ( it might be sexual in nature, but i do not see the misconduct anywhere). If people where to treat it as something natural, and that sex is not really something to be ashamed of, perhaps the Procreate Singapore campaign might succeed. It falls in with religious view that sex is taboo.
For if sex is not enjoyable, sex would be for the sake of sole procreation. I wonder how low the birth rates will plunge if that happens.
If we were not meant to enjoy sex, He would have made us that way, unless you want to explain it as His way of testing us, then I would have nothing to say.
And therefore i state that anyone who believes in the above statement, believes in the world different;y from i do, and i seek not to convert, for i hate someone who'll try that with me.
On this sour note, i'll stop, before i carry on and say something truly offensive.
3 September 2004
In the sunny island of Singapore, it seems that any news is good news for the media.
Even skirts falling off furing a paegant is worthy of mention on prime time news.
SIgh, the deplorable state of the Singapore media.
Even skirts falling off furing a paegant is worthy of mention on prime time news.
SIgh, the deplorable state of the Singapore media.
Had a sleepless night,
programming endlessly.
But it was a great night.
Had a green tea bun,
a super chicken chop,
and looked at apples.
made you walked a lot,
unintentional mistake,
made you late.
I'm sorry.
No badminton tomolo,
hope it'll be sunny,
Poolside slacking.
programming endlessly.
But it was a great night.
Had a green tea bun,
a super chicken chop,
and looked at apples.
made you walked a lot,
unintentional mistake,
made you late.
I'm sorry.
No badminton tomolo,
hope it'll be sunny,
Poolside slacking.
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