A news flash on what has been happening in my life.
One word. NOTHING.
Absolutely boring.
Haha. Actually that's not totally true. I managed to squeeze in some swimming, some tanning in between my periods of utter inactivity.
The most exciting thing to happen to me recently?
I bought a quilt. oooo.... So comfortable. Just imagine, air conditioner is running, and you are snuggling under the quilt... Nice.
Certain someone I know is busy this week, but the week is almost over, so its not too bad. :)
Managed to get back some color.
Today I went for a swim and then to get my hair cut.
The swim was nice, but was feeling tired, had to stop after 8 laps, must be all that heavy lifting yesterday. Then went to tan for a short while, and I fell asleep, hope I did not snore, it'll be so embarrassing. and the deck chairs at public pools are damn atrocious, i forgot to bring a big towel today, and i had to lie on the oily deck chair. bleah.
I headed down to bishan to get a haircut after the swim. My friend's god-sister (am I correct?) is working at a salon there, so I asked him to bring me there. The hair cut quite nice, and its not that expensive, a wash plus cut plus blow-dry plus style only cost me 15 bucks. And the most important thing is that I look good with my new haircut.
while I was at bishan, I saw the starhub roadshow, the phone I want was going for $298 without trade-in, and I didn't get it, since my existing contract with M1 is still in effect. Sigh, hope I won't regret my decision.
But as I saw that, and I thought, if a couple were to both get free incoming calls plans, I wonder who will call who? haha. Interesting question eh?
Went to help Gage move into his new room, he's upgraded from a twin sharing to a single room. It was fun, since the actual shifting was done only in the evening after dinner. Essentially the day consisted of shopping in the afternoon, then dinner, then we went to his new hostel room.
One thing to complain about , the two bitches made me wait for a whole hour. We were suppose to meet at 10.30, and I dragged myself there only to receive smses from them telling me that they were gonna be late.
Other than that the day was fun. We went to ikea, then queensways. Then headed to choon sze's place for dinner, his parents cooked spaghetti, and it was very nice. Next we headed to NTU to start the moving, and it was quite fun, despite the dust and everything.
Hee, one more month before school starts. one more month to waste. yeah.
30 June 2004
25 June 2004
New layout ... Again...
Haven't been updating here for a long time.
Too Zee to update, laZeee and beZee.
Wow, that was lame.
This new layout is hereby named, "Zebra".
Avid followers of my blog will noticed that there is no longer any music.
Reason? laziness on my part.
The background is done by myself, nice?
updates on my life?
nothing much, getting fatter, lazier and thankfully less busy....
The best thing to happen to me recently? i'm now using cable. and i got an mp3 player
for free. however a tiny little detail served to upset this little good thing, Bloody starhub is now offering the mp3 player together with a free cable modem, damn, if only i had waited.
what else?
i have this craving for soup. hee.
with luck, i'll be able satiate this craving of mine on saturday.
Too Zee to update, laZeee and beZee.
Wow, that was lame.
This new layout is hereby named, "Zebra".
Avid followers of my blog will noticed that there is no longer any music.
Reason? laziness on my part.
The background is done by myself, nice?
updates on my life?
nothing much, getting fatter, lazier and thankfully less busy....
The best thing to happen to me recently? i'm now using cable. and i got an mp3 player
for free. however a tiny little detail served to upset this little good thing, Bloody starhub is now offering the mp3 player together with a free cable modem, damn, if only i had waited.
what else?
i have this craving for soup. hee.
with luck, i'll be able satiate this craving of mine on saturday.
9 June 2004
Big ass, looking young, Lawyers, ignored.
Saw a gigantic ass at TPY pool on Sunday. it probably wouldn't have been that striking if the lady had chose to wear a swimsuit that wasn't bright blue with yellow dots.
This was the view that i had.
scary ain't it?
Today, someone at work commented that i look young, wonder if i should be glad? she might mean that i look childish, but on the other hand she said i look 20, which isn't tt far off. At least she never say i look this age.
Just watched Laws of attraction, and something Pierce Brosnan said in the show really amused me. "Lawyers are scum, and Divorce Lawyers are the fungi that grows below the scum."
Somehow, lawyers have a bad reputation. Just take a look at this comic.
or is the bad reputation justified? I do not think so, but i might be biased, since i've always wanted to become a lawyer.
But one thing i do not desired is to be ignored on the phone, makes me feel stupid.
This was the view that i had.

scary ain't it?
Today, someone at work commented that i look young, wonder if i should be glad? she might mean that i look childish, but on the other hand she said i look 20, which isn't tt far off. At least she never say i look this age.

Just watched Laws of attraction, and something Pierce Brosnan said in the show really amused me. "Lawyers are scum, and Divorce Lawyers are the fungi that grows below the scum."
Somehow, lawyers have a bad reputation. Just take a look at this comic.

or is the bad reputation justified? I do not think so, but i might be biased, since i've always wanted to become a lawyer.
But one thing i do not desired is to be ignored on the phone, makes me feel stupid.
8 June 2004
The flip side of the coin:
not so long ago i was sitting for my exams,
now, i'm an invigilator.
wonder if i looked as funny as the people i'm invigilating.
Now, i know know first hand that invigilation is a horribly boring job, imagine, hours spent silent, not talking, and the only thing you get to do is look at 20 odd persons struggling with their paper. And nobody even attempted to cheat, no exciting story of me catching a cheater from me.
The most interesting thing that happened during the whole time is this lady who gave me quite a scare, she got the time, the venue correct, but the wrong date. Sigh, worried me for a moment as i tried to figure out what was wrong.
Penny for my thoughts:
Getting old, skin no longer as good as it was.
I used to spend at most 10 bucks a month on facial products,
nowadays, i seem to be spending more than double that on skin care a month.
Sigh, an unfortunate side effect of getting old.
not so long ago i was sitting for my exams,
now, i'm an invigilator.
wonder if i looked as funny as the people i'm invigilating.
Now, i know know first hand that invigilation is a horribly boring job, imagine, hours spent silent, not talking, and the only thing you get to do is look at 20 odd persons struggling with their paper. And nobody even attempted to cheat, no exciting story of me catching a cheater from me.
The most interesting thing that happened during the whole time is this lady who gave me quite a scare, she got the time, the venue correct, but the wrong date. Sigh, worried me for a moment as i tried to figure out what was wrong.
Penny for my thoughts:
Getting old, skin no longer as good as it was.
I used to spend at most 10 bucks a month on facial products,
nowadays, i seem to be spending more than double that on skin care a month.
Sigh, an unfortunate side effect of getting old.
4 June 2004
3 June 2004
Rewind button
How i wish that life has a rewind button, so that i wouldn't hurt someone with my thoughtless words.

菲's concert was great. Although she's singing live, her performance is exactly the same as that you'll find from her recordings. (okay, there might have been a few glitches, but she's human too.) And the quality remains even towards the end.

I've once heard someone comment that going to her concert is like listening to her albums at home, since she performs with her voice only, no dancing or dancers, no banter. She there to sing and sing only, to bring euphoria to everyone who attends with her singing. But this time round i noticed that she made an effort to entertain, talking not once but twice to the audience. (haha) and attempting to dance in between the singing. But she's most entrancing when she's concentrating on singing perfectly, and making it seem so effortless.

She was so cute when she got the lyrics to 只愛陌生人 wrong, maybe she was so caught up in getting the audience to clap the beat that she couldn't concentrate on the song. When she realised she got it wrong, she bent over saying, "唱錯了" and laughing. (haha) she started over and did a good job. Another one was when she just finished 冷戰 (which to be fair was in cantonese) and she began talking (the second time!!!!!) in cantonese without realising it. I could understand a little bit of what she was talking about, but my friend couldn't. Then someone in the audience shouted "王菲,講國語." and her face was of puzzlement first, then she realised she was in Singapore and she scolded herself "我神經了,竟然用廣東話." with the audience laughing at her being so candid on stage. haha.

It was an enjoyable experience, but the next time round, i would try to get better seats, cause the area where i was sitting was so dead, nobody showed any enthusiasm, except for me, my friend and the guy behind us. haha.

the above pictures are courtesy of Lajabor!
2 June 2004
Faye Wong

I'm going to watch Faye live in concert tonight. Hee. excited. It's going to be the second time that i'll see her in person this year(albeit from a distance.), the first time i saw her was at PS. Initially I wasn't really interested in going since i was broke, and the only seats left are those in the S$100++ range, which i wasn't really keen on. Although it would be cool to see Faye up close, i do not think it would be worth it.
And i think i was lucky to be able to actually secure a pair of tickets. It's all thanks to my friend, whose friend was helping her friend(or is that cousin) to sell tickets. (messy eh?) And i managed to get the tickets cheaper than usual. Not much cheaper, but enough to make me part with my money. Another deciding factor is that someone has never been to this sort of concert, so i'm glad that i'll be the first one the person go to a concert with. The only thing i'm worried about is that the seats are quite far from the stage, but i'm still positive that it'll be a good experience for the both of us.
Finally, i'll get to attend one of Faye's concerts. It's been my dream since 1999 when she came to singapore to hold her first concert here. I do not know why i'm so smitten with her, i think its her talent, voice, beauty. Wonder why the men in her life treat her so? Dou wei and Nic tse are idiots for giving her up. Sigh, let's think happy thoughts, i'll get to see her soon.
1 June 2004
I'm finally gonna be free of singnet broadband. My contract with them is finally over. Last night i started the procedure that will terminate my account with singnet. And an interesting happened this very afternoon.
They called.
[What follows is an approximation of the actual conversation]
Lesson learnt: If you want a better deal from singnet/singtel, threaten to terminate their services. they offer better terms to you.
To clarify further doubts: if you're thinking if the terms are better, why don't i take up the offer? There are other factors involved, and i'm not at liberty to reveal the reasons here. Let's just say a change of provider is better for me.
Which provider am i switching to? Starhub seems to be the better deal. Looks like singtel has just lost another customer to Starhub.
the following logos are trademarks of the companies mentioned in the post.
They called.
[What follows is an approximation of the actual conversation]
Singnet: Might i inquire the reason for the termination of our services?
ME: Erm, i'm changing to another Provider.
Singnet: But why are you changing? Speed? Price?
Me: Both.
Singnet: are u aware that we have a 1500kbps service also?
ME: oh?
Singnet: And if the price is a problem, we have a special promotional package for you. we'll charge you less for the 512kbps service, and give you three months free.
[Further crap from both, ending with a vague "i'll call you if i'm interested from me."]
Lesson learnt: If you want a better deal from singnet/singtel, threaten to terminate their services. they offer better terms to you.
To clarify further doubts: if you're thinking if the terms are better, why don't i take up the offer? There are other factors involved, and i'm not at liberty to reveal the reasons here. Let's just say a change of provider is better for me.
Which provider am i switching to? Starhub seems to be the better deal. Looks like singtel has just lost another customer to Starhub.
the following logos are trademarks of the companies mentioned in the post.

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